Chapter 2

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Life As A Millionaire
"Is this wealth worth it?"
I say that to myself each and every day. Having 2 Nissan GTR's and an Audi R8. I think maybe im doing too much. Do i know exactly what is that im doing? Do all the females that i bring home feel what i feel at the end of the day? Is my house too much?

After years of investment and online marketing with my brother Travis Marley, i can say ive been successful, though Travis has too. Travis Marley is a good friend of mine since i was a young teen. He likes to think of himself as an enthusiast, you would know what i mean if you met him. Moral of the story, wide body kits look better on GTR's than they do on a 350Z.

Travis and I started this online marketing idea when he told me that there should be an easier and faster way of building up a future, so it all began with the purchase of one customized t-shirt. Now to these days we have employees and we make twice as much by advertisement and supply and demand. Working with Travis has made a big life change from when i was a construction worker with my uncle to now being an "accountant" in my own company. All i did was add an extra '0' to 20 and now instead of earning $20 an hour , i earn $200 an hour.

The money didnt change me and the fame didnt either. I changed from being in relationships that lasted a while to a playboy in a $700,000 house in the hills. In the long run, everything ive done so far, has had a purpose, my purpose is to supply to myself and demand a new day everyday.

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