Chapter 9

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"Punctured ribs, cracked skull, internal bleeding. MRI stat. Blood transfusion."

Whats happening? Where am I? My eyes are opening and closing. I see that I'm on a bed being pushed into a room. I hit the last door and I fall into deep sleep.

I wake up and there's a nurse, flowers on the side. Plastic tubes running through every inch of my body. Bandages over my rib cage cast on my arm. I can't feel my legs.

"Nurse, why am I here?"

"You were intoxicated and driving. You were in a car accident. You punctured your ribs and paralyzed from the waist down."

As I start tear up I realized I was drinking when I called my brother. I was drinking because I wanted it to end in that moment. Knowing I couldn't have Julianna anymore, I was finished.

"Could I ever walk again?"

"Yes, but it would take serious therapy and a large bill."

Before I could say anything else, I hear a distant sorrow.

Julianna. She's sitting in the chair crying. She comes over to me.

"Why did you do this?" She says in a sorrowful voice.

"You dont know how long I've been alone and with many ladies but never have I ever been with someone who make me happy like you did and when I found out that you were happily with somebody, I gave up."

"I know. I realized what I did was wrong. The guy you think was my boyfriend. Well. That's my brother. Why don't you think I never kiss him? That's because he's my brother. And I lied about the relationship because I was afraid you might go for me again and that I would end up hurt again."

"So you lied." I was so skeptical and I regretted everything now. Drinking.

I changed the topic trying not to get furious.

"How long have I been out?"

"A week in a half."

Before I said anything else, I noticed something about the nurse. She's calm, tan, short. Kinda familiar, but before I could ask her name, medicine was kicking in and I started to fall asleep again.

All I could hear was distant conversation.

"What is that?"

"Its a powerful sedative, he needs to rest a little while longer."

Before I knew it, I was in a deep sleep.

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