Chapter 6

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The Call

I arrive at my house. I open the door and go straight to my room. I look at the clock on the wall. 10:48. I take out the number from my pocket, "Should i call her now?"

Before any decisions were made, a memory cell was tapped in my brain and it got me thinking of the time when we were younger around 15 when i chased her around my house. Julianna was slow but fast when it comes to running from me. She would wanna play tag in a coupee type of way, and so she tagged me with a teaser kiss and she would run. She would run as far as to my bedroom door, thats when i would grab her by the waist and lay her down on the bed. Then i would kiss her and say "tag, youre it" with my side smile.

I take out my phone and see that I have a missed call from Travis. Usually i would call him back, but Julianna, it was either now or never. So i start dialing.

Theres an innocent voice on the other line. At first i think its her roomate or best friend. Before i know who it is, i answer, "Yes, Hello, i am looking for Julianna Demoré."

"Speaking. Who may this be?"

"Julianna. Its me, Steven Tyler."

She was quiet for a second as if she couldnt remember me. After a minute of silence she answers again.

"Why did you call Steve?"

"Julie, i called you because i had this warm feeling in me that i had to get in touch with you. I was beginning to see how my life was. As i look back on it, my happiest moments were with you."

Then she said one thing that hurt me more than anything else.

"Steven, i have a boyfriend now. Someone who cared and someone who didnt leave me."

In the moment, i didnt know what to say. So i go back to my original way and play it off the Steven way.

"Thats the thing. I wasnt asking you on a date. The question throughout all of it was if you didnt mind if we catch up on things through coffee?"

"I live downtown now. Theres a nearby café called "Tonys Café". Meet me there at 2 pm Saturday and we can talk."

So the charm worked. I had "business" to take care of Saturday. Tomorrow. Oh no, tomorrow. i have to go to work early. Ill call in sick, i think to myself.

"Sounds great ill meet you then."

"Ill see you soon." and she hangs up.

I turn to the clock. 11:21. I should get some sleep. But first i need to think, what can i do or say tomorrow to make her mind again?

"I would give up money to get ypur happiness" No. im sure shes heard it.

By this time , i couldnt think of anything to say, but i did have an idea.

It was an idea that i probably shouldve done for High School Graduation. Im sure it would work.

So i change into different clothes and go to bed.

Its the next morning and i do my normal routine, wake up, take a shower, brush my teeth, get dressed, and do my hair. I get into my R8 and head toward the café.

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