Chapter 5

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"Lagavulin , neat"

I sit at the bar table and at every angle i feel a sudden stare. So i turn to look and theres always a random female looking toward me. I would ratger not say "at me" for that would be sort of conceited.

I drink my lagavulin slow and steady so i can feel the alcoholic mixture with a hot sensation. At this point , i need about 3 of them to get drunk.

Then, out of no where, i hear the roar of a "Godzilla" and who do you think it is?

Travis Marley.

He came up beside me and said, "Sex on the beach" and so the bartender pours him a glass.

I ask Travis, "What in the hell are you doing here? Thought you didnt like this place?" Travis says, "Well brother, i saw your R8 parked outside and since i know you dont come here on a count that you have a bar at your house, i decided to come and check on whats on your mind."

Travis was always that nosey friend of mine.

I reply, "Well i was working like usually but Julianna all of a sudden came to mind. So i came here to see if a smooth drink would help solve my conflict." "Youre still that teenage idiot." Travis says in a provacative voice.

"What do you mean?"

"Steve, i mean, you never solved your problems with drinks. You made them worse you idiot. Usually i carry you out of your main problem. Which would be this bar."

Sadly, i agree with him. Back in our teen years we used to have friends supply us with beer, at the time we were thinking beer would be great. Everytime we'd have 3-4 bottles of Corona, i started to complain ablut everything, but my one main annoyance was to talk about my relationships. "Why cant i ever keep a classy girl?" "How is it that i can make everyone else happy but me?" So on and so forth. Travis has always given me the right answer to everything. So today, i decided to tell him.

"I wanted to talk to Julianna again, never have i ever felt so much in just a small amount of time. Her smile, her laugh, the way she dies of laughter when i hit her tickle spot, everything about her has been with me since we were 14."

Travis pulls out his phone and searches his contacts.

He wrote down a number and says to me, "If you have the balls to say it to me, have the balls to say it her." Thats when i realized he gave me her number

I shook his hand and said " Thank you Travis. Imma go ahead and go home."

"Yeah, go ahead, i'll see if i can try one of these "Lagavulins"."

So i walk out of the bar and get in my car and stare at the number. Then i drive home.

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