Chapter 3

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Youth Life
I remember bits and pieces from when i was younger. I was an active boy ready to learn new things. As i learned how to make 0.25 into a fraction and its simplest form at age 7. I see that it came clear to me that i would be successful if i used my brain right.

My mother always told me and my brother that we were "hardheaded." In my defense, i thought i knew what it was i was doing. i felt that since i knew more than others at my age, that i could get away with life.

Having confidence made me earn a big ego. I thought and think high of myself. I like to stand above all people and say, "I know how to beat the system, all from pure brain."

My youth life made me who i am. There were major chamges like for example, my goal then was to have a playboy mansion and be a billionaire. Well. Ironically i lived close to that goal. i am who i set out to be although im a millionaire. Its only a three comma difference.

Also in my youth life, i wasnt the smartest boy in the class and the school, but i was the smartest good looking boy so thats close enough. The other guy may be a billionaire, working in his company of electronical devices, but i beat him because i won by looks. May not be a lot but its what my mother wanted for me and im fulfilling her wish for me.

I look back on my youth and think wow, the life i have now and the life i wanted just makes me proud to call myself Steven Jay Tyler. To have supportive thoughts and mentors in my life to guide me on my journey to success and to set my standards has been a true achievement. I am proud to be who i was orginally set out to be.

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