11. Lost And Found and Chased Out!

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I tried not to think of that person throughout the night I spend my time with my fiance Fern. I took her to dinner, sat in front of her in a fine dining restaurant, yet my heart was somewhere else. It's with that person I left all alone in the basement parking lot of the hospital he got discharged from.

I did it because I saw in his eyes earlier that he was extremely happy when I came to pick him up instead of George. He was already smiling so sweetly around Mark's parents and it wasn't difficult to guess his feelings. When that person is happy, it's shown all over his sparkling eyes and his radiant smile. The pair have gotten so beautiful lately that I am afraid I'd get addicted to it more and more until I lose myself to its depths.

So I took the advantage and brought Fern with me to see War. I saw how his bright eyes lose their light when I chose to leave him there and prioritized the woman I was with. He looked so disheartened in the rearview mirrow when I watched him standing there looking at us while driving away.

It was supposed to be a truimphant moment for me. But I feel all suffocated and my head so heavy all that while I was with Fern. All I could ever think about was that man. Did he get a good cab to drive him home? Did he not get caught in the traffic and arrived home safely? Had he eaten decent dinner yet? Will he be asleep when I come home? Did I hurt his feelings back there when I pretented not to care about him and just left with some woman instead?

Whatever it was I seeing in War's eyes lately, that glint of unexplained happiness and sadness that alternates when I'm around him, I know it has a deeper meaning. He had become a complete different person ever since he had woken up from coma a week ago. And the whole new him is slowly changing me. I had become so addicted with his presence that I started to scare my own self. I am feeling the same emotions I felt before when Mark was around. I am not liking it at all.

I cannot fall for that guy. He's a walking ball of trouble slash headache and I'm still not forgetting how he was responsible for Mark's death. Loving him would be like a bludgeon to my self respect. I won't let myself get swayed towards that path. At least not at this life time.

I arrived at my house quite late after sending Fern home first. I check for the time, it's 11 in the evening and the first to greet me when I arrived were my three babies, wagging their tails and whining like kids expecting some treats from me. I bent down to give each of them a hug while waiting for that person to show up from the hidden corners of the house anytime soon. Would he whine at me for leaving him like the three dogs are doing now?

"Master Yin. Welcome home." It was George. He came out from the kitchen and was now looking over my shoulders trying to see something or someone.

"When did you return?" I asked pertaining to his emergency that stopped him from picking up the troublesome man from the hospital so I have to take his place.

"About a quarter past 9 master. Did you two eat out for dinner? I prepared something just in case you haven't. I'll just reheat it for you if you want to." He said still extending his neck expectantly looking for someone to show up behind me. I too was confused of what he had just said.

"Well yes. Me and Fern ate dinner outside before I sent her home." I told him just in case he was expecting to see my fiance with me. He suddenly stops looking behind me and have this arduous expression on his face.

"So where's sir War then? Was it not you who came to pick him up from the hospital?" I accidentaly bit my own tongue from surprise.

"You mean he's not here yet?" George shakes his head in response. He then strides past me and asked for the keys to my car without saying another word. I followed him outside and saw him opening the back door to the car I just used.

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