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When Hermione woke up the next morning, she was greeted by a barn owl sitting on her bed post

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When Hermione woke up the next morning, she was greeted by a barn owl sitting on her bed post. It had a letter tied to its ankle. Hermione yawned and stretched, getting out of bed she greeted the owl, she recognized it to be Ginny's owl Ceeder. She went to her window and threw open the curtains, it was a bright morning.

As Hermione exited her bedroom she went to her magnificent kitchen and put on a teapot. She then grabbed from her cupboard some crackers, which she fed to Ceeder, she untied the letter on her leg. The owl nipped her hand in thanks and took off through the chimney.

Hermione smiled and set the letter on the table, wanting to get to it later. Right now she had other things to do.

She went to her closet and fished around for something to wear, even though it was the weekend, she still wanted to make a good impression. She grabbed out a pair of black dress pants and a purple blouse with a belt in the middle. She fixed her hair and added just a tad bit of makeup, knowing to keep her look simple she grabbed her pair of trusty black flats and went to the kitchen to pour herself a cup of tea.

As she did so she happened to look on the table to find a big black owl sitting on the table. He seemed to be glaring at her, she was almost afraid to approach him, but saw a letter in spiky handwriting attached to his long talloned leg. She reached out carefully and untied the letter, hoping not to intimidate the bird at all. The bird just watched her with beady eyes, she knew the only person with the spiky handwriting was to be Professor Snape and the bird seemingly belonged to him. She couldn't help but think they were alike.

As she finally got the letter untied she pulled back carefully, not wanting to alarm the monstrous bird in her kitchen. She then sauntered to the cabinet to get the bird a treat. As she tried feeding him the cracker, he just glared at her. "Oh, you must want some." She said trying to sound friendly. To her surprise and horror the bird reached out and bit her in the hand and flew off. She pulled her hand back and saw she was bleeding. "You damned bird!" She cursed and ran to the bathroom to wash off her wound.

It was the beginning of her apprenticeship and she was already enemies with her Professor's bird! She wrapped her hand in a bandage, the bird had done quite some damage, hoping to stop the bleeding. She was going to have to have a talk to her Professor, this was outrageous. If he so desperately needed to write her, why didn't he just come and tell her himself? They were neighbors for merlins sake! She left the bathroom and retreated back to her kitchen. She grabbed her two letters and resided in the living room.

She was just about to open Ginny's letter when she remembered her gift. She raced to the bedroom and pulled out of her bag, the small gift box. She took it to the living room and returned it to its normal size. She was glad her and Ginny left each other on good terms. She pulled the bow off slightly and slowly and lifted the lid. Inside was something she would always keep close to her. She pulled it out and covered her mouth with her hand, Ginny was quite the friend. In her lap lay a scrapbook full of moving pictures of her and Ginny. She put her hand on her chest and began to inspect it, looking at every page.

Her face beamed with emotions as she reminisced all of their fond memories and adventures. She came across some photos of her and Ginny when they were both students at Hogwarts. As she flipped through the photos seemed to grow. She and Ginny became older.

There were pictures of them laughing, acting goofy, a picture of the family, and even a picture of them with Harry and Ron. She wondered if she knew about them being here? Would Cormac have told her? As she came to the last page their was a note;

Dear Hermione,

This is to help you make it through even the darkest days with the master of living darkness. Let him not falter a flame in your candle, for you shine brighter than them all. I'm sorry for being upset, but always remember me and keep me close to you as I will. I can't wait to hear about all of your drama for the first day!

Love Gin

She couldn't help but feel as if her heart melted, Ginny truly gave her something special. She retrieved the note on the table and opened it.

Dear Mione,

You won't believe the git Cormac is, He too had taken an apprentice at Hogwarts and decided to drop the news on me last night! He is such a git! But then again, he is too cute to stay mad at. He told me his position is to fill for Madame Hooch as the Quidditch Professor, which is totally dreamy! My man, getting a job in the field of Quidditch!? Tell me, is this sexy or what!?

Hermione rolled her eyes and continued.

Now I'm going to be lonely with you both being gone but he told me since it was just Quidditch that he could come to see me often, since his apprenticeship would be short. I am so happy about that. It has only been a day and I already miss you. I miss waking up to seeing you walk around with your completely unattainable hair in the mornings!

With reading this Hermione reached for her hair and laughed.

I hope by the time you have read and received this, that you opened your gift. It was just something small so you wouldn't forget me. I miss you Mione, don't forget to write.

Always, Gin

Hermione quickly scribbled her a note. She was happy to hear from Gin, she had missed her too. She told her of her first day and meeting everyone else. She also told her of her dunderheadedness on the first day when talking to Snape. She told her she misses her and that yes Cormac was sexy, but only for her. She scribbled a quick thanks for the gift telling her she was speechless and that she would always keep it close to her heart. With that written she rolled it up, planning to mail it out before breakfast in the great hall. She was just about to leave when she remembered Professor Snape's letter. She huffed and grabbed it, opening it as she went out the door.

As she made her way down the hall she read it;

Miss Granger,

Today you will have no lessons, presuming it is the weekend, but we will begin classes on Monday after breakfast. You Will be punctual and at my office, from there we shall presume classes.

S. Snape

She rolled her eyes, even in his letters he was a git. Be punctual he said, since when was she never punctual? She ascended the stairs to the main hall and left out the front doors walking to the tower to the owlery.

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