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The train stopped and she lumbered off

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The train stopped and she lumbered off. She walked up to the gates and entered, making her long walk up to the doors of the school. She started to have panic rise in her chest just remembering what had happened to the school two years ago. It was the scariest thing she had ever experienced and as did many others, and she tried to forget it all completely. So many had died, and she hadn't visited the school since graduation year, it hadn't changed much. The castle still had the same old but welcoming exterior, but remembering what had happened, made it a little nerve wracking and intimidating.

She made her way to the front doors and opened them. It was quiet, but then again the term hadn't started yet. She had never been inside the castle when there were no students, and it was kind of...eerie. She continued her journey and prodded up the stairs to the main floor.

As she did she was met by none other than Mr. Filch, "Well, well, well. What do we have here? A student breaking and entering?" He smiled the most ugliest smile she had ever seen, nope, he hadn't changed either, she thought.

"No Mr. Filth, it's me, Hermione Granger. I was a student here a few years ago, I believe we were never formally introduced. I was usually known to be one of Harry's closest friends. Harry Potter, that is." She gave a sincere smile, hoping it had worked.

"What in devils name is it, Filch!? It is no later than 1:30 and I have no time for nonsense, I have..." he saw Hermione standing there.

"I found here, a former student breaking and entering, professor." He smiled greedily.

"I will take it from here, Filch. Miss Granger, follow me." He said and turned on his heel.

Hermione was shocked, had she just been accused of breaking into the school? It wasn't like it was locked, she could walk in as she pleased. But what shocked her the most was that she had run into the person she was trying to avoid for the day, and in the most embarrassing situation too. She felt as if she were back as a student again, getting in trouble.

"Miss Granger, do you have any idea what you just did? You just entered this school without notice! If you were still a student you would have been expelled, but seeing as to I can't, you are lucky." He said with a sneer. He seemed so badly to want to sack her, she knew not why.

"My apologies Professor, I was here to visit the Headmistress and seemed to forgot to make my appearance notable, I do sincerely apologize for the inconvenience." She seemed to mutter, although she was streaming with rage on the inside. She wouldn't be here if she would have received an owl.

He sighed. "This time I will let you...slide, but next time I will not be so forgiving." She hung her head, "and next time, do make sure you make your...guest appearance notable, for I would not have to go through all of the trouble of resetting the alarms again."

She hadn't had time to think how they knew she was there, but it made sense now. He led her to the headmistress' office and said the password, "Ginger Snaps" and entered, with her following behind him.

When they entered the office, Hermione was struck with amazement. She had never been formally inside of Dumbledore's office before, besides hearing Harry talk about it, but it was so astonishing, Harry's words would have never summed it up.

There were books shelves along the walls filled to the top, and portraits of all of the previous former headmaster's. "The headmistress will be with you shortly." He said with a curt nod and left.

As she waited she couldn't help but soak in everything around her. She took in every detail. As she observed the room, she noticed the portrait of Dumbledore, snoozing peacefully. She couldn't help but feel saddened by the sight. That's when McGonagall walked in.

"Miss Granger, what a lovely surprise, it is so good to see you my dear!" She walked up to Hermione, and pulled her into a welcoming hug.
"It is so great to see you again, my apologies for coming on such short notice."

"Oh, not to worry dear child, it is fine. You are always welcomed here." She said. Hermione couldn't help but laugh to herself about that comment, because Snape seemed to think otherwise.

"So what brings you here, my dear?" She Said, as she conjured tea for them.

Hermione suddenly grew antsy. She wanted to just jump right into her question, but thought it would be too rude.

"I just wanted to visit the school, it feels like it's been ages, and I quite miss the place."

McGonagall smiled. "I'm glad you did, it hasn't changed much, I promise you, but time has yet to be seen to that." She said with a twinkle in her eyes.

Hermione wondered what she meant by that, but dismissed it. "I also came here to talk to you, headmistress." Hermione said. She suddenly felt a tightening in her chest, harnessing sure if it would go out as planned.

Minerva raised and eyebrow.

"You see, headmistress, I heard that you were taking in apprentices and was wondering if I were able to apply?" It came out more like a rush, worse than she had pictured and planned it to come out as, but it just did.

Minerva was delighted to hear this. Severus' plan had worked, she ended up coming to them anyway, he was such a smart man. She tried to hide the delighted that was inside of her, she was beaming with joy.

"Why Miss Granger, I happen to just be doing that, and my offers still stand." Hermione sighed with relief.

"If I am correct, the options were Transfiguration or Potions, right?" She asked.

"Well Miss Granger, at the time they were, but our Transfiguration post has been filled, and the only choices left are Potions or Charms." She gave Hermione her best apologetic smile she could muster. As much as she loved Hermione and wished for her to apprentice for her, she felt her purposes and smarts were not well fitted to just be a Transfiguration professor. She felt as if Hermione deserved something more exciting and would keep the girl wanting to know more.

"Oh." Hermione mustered. She had kind of thought that she would go for the Transfiguration post because Professor McGonagall was like a mother she had never had, but hearing that the post was taken saddened her a bit.
Now her only options were working with Snape, which was a nightmare, given certain circumstances, or working with Professor Flitwick, which seemed like a silly idea.

"If you need time to think, I will allow it." Minerva offered. Hermione shook her head.

"That won't be necessary, headmistress. I have made up my mind." Minerva grew worried, she thought that she shouldn't have said anything about the Charms post and just said that an apprenticeship for Potions was left because she truly wanted Hermione to be the one to take on the task of unburdening Severus of all of his worries and knowledge because she seemed to be the only one who she thought could.

She raised her head to the headmistress, "As hard as the options are to choose over, I just thought of the pros and cons of each position. One seems fairly hopeful and I know which I will enjoy, while the other just seems as if it wouldn't. I appreciate the offers, truly, and it pains me to turn one down, but my choice is..." Hermione shut her eyes tight and took in a deep breath, she dreaded her decision, "I am willing to take the offer on the apprenticeship for...."

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