Twelve (2008.1)

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After spending Christmas with Her Majesty, the family did not forget to spend the new year with the Middletons. Delly likes her grandma Carole very much. 

When Delly gets something delicious, like a chocolate cupcake or something, she will ask grandma to taste it first, and grandma will laugh heartily. Delly gives grandpa a hug when she thinks he'd overworked himself from cooking all day, and grandpa will be moved to tears. Delly's every move is inseparable from her grandparents' sight.

Delly's everyday routine included the followings:

8:30 Get up from her beauty sleep with a squeal, hear her grandparents chattering combined with the sounds of kitchenware. Get a sloppy forehead kiss from Mumma and papa.

9:10 After insisting she can put on her clothes herself, failing to do so, (sometimes crying after that), and Mumma coming to the rescue, Delly goes to the washroom to (let her papa) brush her hair (for her).

9:20 Time for breakfast, she usually sits next to Mumma and eats food of her own. She's been trying to eat some adult food though, pork ribs are her favorite. Still, she needs to eat some greens. Delly likes to eat crunchy stuff. That's  why she prefers munching on a celery for ten minutes as supposed to eating her mushed potatoes.

9:45 Delly abandons her unfinished breakfast for something fun. Usually her Mumma's clothings in the closet or the blankets on the sofa. She plays with them and sometimes drags them across the room until one of the adults realized that she was creating a mess and comes to play with her. Yeah that's a tactic :)

11:50 Delly goes to the kitchen, then goes out because her grandparents tells her it's too dangerous here. She's sad for a bit, and then overjoyed by her lunch, which usually included crunchy stuff snap peas, apples, peppers, and a bit of salmon or beaf (and most f the time mashed potatoes but she never eats them and the adults just let it be so yeah it's included in her lunch and dinner but she never eats them so it's not)

12:20 is usually the time for her nap. (And rest time for the adults)

2:00 Kate will hear a loud, "Mumma!" (will sigh) and then happily goes to hug her daughter and put her down from her little bed. The moment Delly gets her feet's in the ground, she starts yelling and running to her grandparents and papa in the living room. Kate sighs and follows.

3:00 sitting on her papa or her granddad's lap, playing with their collar while they chat about things she didn't understand (usually politics sometimes just random things). Delly likes to play and fidget with collars. But she soon also found out that she can't fidget with girls collars, only boy's because for one, girls' sundress didn't have a collar really, and for two, if she touched the collar part of Mumma's yellow sundress, Mumma will blush and tell her not to. (Basically basic sex ed ) 

3:10 the minutes in and Dellys already bored out of her mind. She'll yawn loudly (on purpose) so that her Papa usually will withdraw from the conversation and play with her in her room. Sometimes the conversation was too important no one realized she was yawning, so she indeed did fall asleep once again.

4:00 is the exact time her grandparents will be starting to prepare dinner. So, Delly had no reason not be bother her parents now. She will ask her papa to go do something with her in the back yard. Sometimes Delly does things by herself, such as looking at the ants dig holes or poking holes in the mud. Her papa didn't need to be there but Delly likes to have her papa around he eat all times. She felt safe that way.

6:00 Time for dinner. Dinner usually included Delly stealing food form her papa or her grandparents' plate. Whereas Mumma will scold her for misbehaving, the others, especially papa will never scold her. Indeed, she's too precious to her father that it cuts his heart to make his little princess unhappy. As well, Kate (his big princess) will be angry at him if  he does not say anything about such behavior, so he'll probably frown a bit at Delly but his lips are curved upwards so Delly knows he's not seriously angry. Delly will then put the stealer food into her mouth and William will stop saying anything about it.

6:45 After dinner, it's time to study. Delly's learning numbers and how to pronounce them. She gets eight and six confused. Sometimes her papa will come to help. He'll teach her the numbers in French and Delly will recognize the difference between six and eight. Sometimes she will get the first 10 numbers correct, and will jump all the way to wherever her grandparents are and show them hw to count. 

8:00 is bedtime. Delly is dozing off the moment her head touched the pillow. Her little bed is in the same room as her parents' big bed. William and Kate will probably cuddle with Delly on the big bed for a while. When she's asleep, they'll put her in her small bed and snuggle a bit themselves while discussing something.

Through these times spent together with Delly, her grandparents realized that she was more than a soon girl be princess, and a burden on their daughter but she was indeed their granddaughter and they love her very much.

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