* Twenty-One (2009.1)

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It's Mumma's birthday today, Mumma is turning 27. That's so old, thought Delly, she's only three. She needs to live her life nine times in order to be as old as Mumma.The family planned to go skating in the morning and have Kate's cake in the late afternoon. Delly was very excited about the cake. This would be her first time eating a birthday cake. She wasn't able to eat the last two because she was too little.Delly woke up inside a car with her parents, driving off to a skating arena. When Will and Kate were changing into their ice skates, Delly sneaked out of the changing room and onto the edge of the skating rink.Delly saw a teen girl, with beautiful dark hair, spinning around in the middle of the ice rink. Her hair was not tied up, it flowed casually down her head, forming dark waves as she spun. Another person, this time a man, skated across the rink, his movements were swift but gentle.Delly was absolutely enchanted. She wanted to be one of them. To glow, to shine. With that strong desire, and without thinking once the fact that she didn't have proper skates on, she stepped onto the ice. Then, she tried to balance herself, holding onto the edge of the rink.Then, everything happened of a sudden. Delly heard a cry of an old man from her behind, and people yelling some incoherent things, "stop! Be careful!". She turned around to look, a 60-year-old man was skating forwards towards her and obviously losing his balance. Then, Delly lost her balance as well. She stumbled down, her face towards the man. Then they collided. Then she fell down. She felt the heat from the corner of her left eye, so she closed it.People started yelling. A woman in red clothes, a staff member of the skating area, quickly skated their way, carrying the poor girl out of the rink.All the while, Delly wanted to cry. But she didn't. She felt pain, she wanted to cry, and it made sense for her to cry. She had all the right in the world to cry. But she didn't. She knows that she is in big trouble because of her stupid actions, and usually 3-year-olds would cry at this point because they'd got nothing to do. But Delly, she didn't. She knew better than anybody else that this mess was caused entirely by her. But, she also knew, in the back of her mind, that she cannot let the world know that she has done something wrong. She, the future queen, needs to keep it together at all times.She was met with an almost hysterical Mumma. What William and Catherine saw was their baby daughter covering her left eye with her hand and blood dripping down through her small meaty fingers.Ambulance came. Very quickly. For their future queen.On the ambulance, Delly was bombarded with a tonne of words, not even cohesive sentences from an uncontrollable Mumma. To which, Delly didn't know what to say.Her Mumma changed to someone she didn't know before. She was crying for a moment and yelling for another, sometimes at the driver, sometimes at William, sometimes at her, and sometimes at nobody.Kate pinched Delly's arm repeatedly, one harder than another, yelling, "Delly, tell me! WHAT HAPPENED!"Delly started to cry. She didn't know why. She was scared of her mother, this version of her.William tried to calm the two girls down, despite not quite being able to calm himself. He stayed quiet after Kate yelled, "William! Do you not care about her! Is she not your daughter!?"When they were at the hospital, she was carried into a white room by her papa. Then, she was laid down on a small white bed with machines and doctors around her. And the next thing she knew, she was waking up the next day in papa's embrace and next to Mumma. They were still at the hospital, but it felt like home.After the doctors stitched up the wound, it looked better now. It was a millimeter to the left of Delly's left eye corner. Just one millimeter, she'd be blind in one eye. She was saved by God. (or rather, the author (:)Delly told Mumma what happened, but the Mumma today wasn't like the Mumma yesterday. She patted Delly's back and rubbed her arms, murmuring sorries. Delly sat on her Mumma's lap. She looked at her papa, and they shared a smile.To Kate, this was probably her worst birthday ever.Delly learned something, well, two things. First, to always think before she acts. And second, her Mumma acts like a madwoman when she's upset while papa never does. But regardless, Mumma and papa both loved her. Very, very, much. Delly would look back at that day for the rest of her long life, as the day she began her adventure with skating. And that adventure never stopped. The scar on the corner of her left eye is a token and a witness to that. 


Sorry for the week-long wait and no pictures. I had a 3-day school camp. But I had a lot of ideas planned for the next chapters to come, so stay tuned for more!


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