_*Twenty-Nine (2009.9/10/11/12)

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"Good morning darling," William said as he checked on his daughter, "today is your big day, rise and shine!"

Indeed, her parents made it very clear that September 7th is a big day because Delly is going to go to school. First ever day at the nursery.  

Obviously, William and Catherine (especially William), wanted to keep his daughter close to him

But, situations didn't permit that. He and Catherine's busy schedule, and complicated relationship with the palace—— wait, I thought that these problems are slowly being sorted out over the last 3 years!

You are right, exactly, these are just excuses the couple says to people. The real reason is publicity. Not a publicity stunt, but a PR crisis. When the British financial crisis passed, some of the people who have nothing better to do, began to look for someone to blame for this.

Reasonable people turned to the financial system, the banks, the politicians who are incapable, etc. But some of the other people who are motivated by anything but finding out the truth began to target Her Majesty and her family.

These people make a big deal out of the <2 pounds they give each year to the royals. But forget that without Buckingham palace, without Windsor Castle, and without Westminster Abbey, NO ONE will visit London.

Anyhow, how the anti-monarchists think would solve this problem is not, you know, solving the problem. The younger generations like to protest, and when protesting becomes too much of a burden for the millennials, they become "keyboard warriors" on social media, posting tonnes of self-congratulatory and preventive sh*t.

Ok, long story short, they wanted no monarch. Obviously, the palace can't agree to that. But what they can do, is limit the amount of negative press. How?

Readers, think, if you are the Queen, what would you do to increase popularity? I know that I would definitely make the family look more down-to-earth. But how?

Charles's public image is built already, nothing could change the public's perception of him, for better or for worse. He can go out and kiss a few babies and have fun with some local community servicemen/women. But, that's only going to give him temporary positive press, not for long. He just cannot be seen by the younger generations as a part of them.

But Wiliam and Kat can! Exactly! Great thinking. If you think back to the 20s of every royal (or indeed every public figure) ever, it really shapes their persona. For example, Leo DiCaprio's 20s were basically spent dating every single 25- supermodel. It changed, but the fact that Leo's girlfriends never passed the 25 years-old expiry date became a permanent meme. This is exactly what I mean. Once something is established, it needs 100x the energy to destroy it.

William and Catherine are currently in their 20s. The time they are building their brand, so to speak. They need tonnes of positive press, and in today's day and age, this means, tonnes of reports of them being down-to-earth.

How do they do that? Kate already shops at normal stores, and William has already been spotted taking Delly out to play a few times. That didn't change the overall press at all.

What will?

Something big. Something that no royal has ever done before.

Send Delly to a public school.

Now, the queen gave her advice, Charles gave his input, Wiliam and Kate had their say, who's left out of the conversation entirely. Delly! The one going to school is the only one who is going to directly suffer if there are any security issues if there are any anti-monarchist children in the class, and if the things public school teachers teach are sufficient for a future Queen. 

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