Chapter 1

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Raven's POV
I woke up feeling the sunlight against my soft skin as I moved my blankets. I walked to my closet and put on a white skirt with spider web details and a black and white striped blazer. I also put on tights with skeleton bones on them. (They only showed the legs, not the whole body). I put on some black lipstick and eyeliner then went downstairs.
"Hey Raven, hand me a beer would ya?" Asked my father. Ugh! I hate my father! He's always so mean and abusive to me; but when other people are around, he acts like a perfect father. I went to the fridge and got him a beer and handed it to him. "Don't do anything stupid today!" Yelled my father. "I won't!" I yelled back.
I always have to walk to school, my dad never drives me; even when it's zero below! But luckily today it was 80 degrees. While I was walking, I went past the forest that had the trees with the spray painting in them. They had Easter eggs, turkey, Christmas tree, four leaf clover, and a jack 'o' lantern. I always wanted to go there and take a closer look at the trees; but some people say that there doors to other realms. Ha! Those are really bad liars! You can't go to another realm just by using a tree!
Once I was at school I was greeted by my friends and they all wear Doctor Who t- shirts, and dresses. (Not going against Doctor Who fans). "Hey Raven! How's it going?" Asked Ravi. "Nothing much, just the same old abusive dad I have to live with." I said. I know what your thinking, 'How do your friends know about this and why won't you tell a police officer?' Well, long story short, the police don't really like me because of my appearance. Now you must be thinking, 'Well that's just mean! They should get reported!' I know it's so annoying! But I understand why, my skin is pale white and you can literally see my bones.
"Ready for the social studies test today?" Asked Amy. "I have no choice but to take it, so yes I am." I said. Once we were inside the school, I went to science and I dissected a frog which made everyone in the classroom gag except me. And for some reason, I wanted to eat it.
"Okay class, put your trays in the middle of the table and you may leave." Said the science teacher Mr. Enzo. While I was walking to lunch, I felt being pushed and I saw the queen of bitches herself, Makenzie. "Hey dork! Or should I say creep? After all, you are so skinny we can see your bones. And your skin is so pale! You could use a tan, like, for 10 years!" She laughed.
I balled my hands into fists and my face turned from calm, to angry. "Aw, is the little creep angrey? I'm surprised that your hair hasn't turned white every time you get angrey." I would've punched the bitch in the face but I knew I would get beaten by my dad later on.
Once science was over, I headed to my last class, social studies. Now I have to take a test to see if I pass on to 8th grade. Once I was seated in the room I noticed that no one was in here. I got up and looked around the room but found nothing. I sat back down and I felt pressure on my chest and it hurt so much that I passed out.
"Get up, get up!" Said a man. "Huh? Where am I? Who are you?" I asked. "There's no time for me, you must go to the forest and go to the tree with a jack 'o' lantern on it. Then it will take you somewhere where you'll know why your 'father' is abusive." He said putting quotations on the word, father. "What do you mean by 'father'? He raised me since I was an infant." I said. "I've said to much, you must go the forest with the tree that has the jack 'o' lantern on it. Don't let anyone or anything stop you." He said as he disappeared.
(End of dream)
Hey guys! I know, this chapter might, or might not be short depending on how fast you read. But anyways, do you think Raven should listen to this stranger? Leave your answer in the comments and I'll try to update soon! Bye!

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