Chapter 7

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Raven's POV
The next morning when I woke up, I heard the sound of a rooster cawing really loud which was the cause of me waking up.
Well, that's new, getting woken up by a rooster.
"Time to get dressed," I said as I removed the covers from me. "What should I wear today?" I asked looking through my closet.
What about this? Or this?
"How about this?" I said picking up a grey skirt, gray leggings, a long sleeve top with spiderweb designs on it,  and black knee high boots.

*Back in the human world*
"Arghh! I can't believe you let her escape! I should've known, trusting the son of the Boogieman was a huge mistake!" I hollered through my 'mirror'.
"Hey, it's not my fault that she escaped!" He said.
"Well of course it is! You had one job and you failed it!" I said.
"Alright! I'll get the girl already! I know that she's in Halloween Town because I saw her doing the ritual that Jack does every Halloween," he said.
"Fine. But this is your last chance!" I said as I walked away from the mirror. This is getting ridiculous! It's time I take this into my own hands!
Raven's POV
"So this is where you found out about Christmas Town?" I asked Jack.
"Yes it is pumpkin, and I want to show you what it's like there." Said Jack as he went to the door with a Christmas tree and opened the door.
"Well, what are you waiting for? Jump in!" Said Jack as he went through.

Once I jumped in the door, I was surrounded by snowflakes and the sound of jingle bells with children's laughter. Are we in the other world already? I began to look around and I saw Jack falling beside me.
"Don't worry! We'll land in a few seconds!" He said.
"Where?" I asked.
"You'll see!"
After about five seconds, I landed on something soft and cold which is odd since I just went through a door. I then began to look around and I saw snow everywhere and a little town nearby.
"Jack? Where are you?" I asked.
"Over here pumpkin!" He said as I turned my head to see him standing by a red and white pole that has the colors swirled around it.
"Where are we?" I asked walking up to him. "Follow me," He said as he traced out his hand for me to grab. "Hold on tight." He said as he jumped. Once he did, I landed on my back and started sliding down a snow hill towards a little town with sparkling Christmas lights.
"Lean forward to go faster!" said Jack as he went past me. That might actually work. I thought as I leaned forward and felt myself speed up to Jack.
Once we were at the bottom of the hill, I saw a sign that read in white letters: Christmas Town. The snow was beautiful and I saw children throwing snowballs instead of throwing heads. And the smell of cakes and pies were absolutely everywhere!
"This place is amazing!" I said. "I'm glad you think so too pumpkin. Now, let's go meet a close friend of mine." said Jack as he started walking towards the center of the town.
While Jack and I were on our way to meet this friend, I noticed through a window a small Christmas tree but it had no lights on it. (Or ornaments!) Huh, that's odd. Usually there would be ornaments on the tree or lights on it.
"Raven, this way." said Jack as he turned left but stopped short.
"What?" I asked. He then grabbed my arm and rolled up my sleeve to reveal cuts from when I was in the human world.
"What are these from?" He asked gently.
"There- there from school." I said hesitantly. Jack then began to look at the cuts more closely and I think he noticed the one that was the deepest.
"C'mon Raven, let's go," he said grabbing my hand and leading me to the holiday door. "Where are we going?" I asked.
"Back home where Sally could stitch those cuts up." He said.
Once Jack and I were back in Halloween Town and in our house, I was sitting down in the kitchen while Sally was tending to my wounds.
"Raven, why do you have these cuts?" asked Jack and Sally. I made a grim face and didn't answer their question.
"Raven?" asked Jack. I opened my mouth to answer but I was interrupted by a loud boom which caused all three of us to duck for cover.
"Sally! Raven! Are you alright?" asked Jack. "I'm okay." said Sally. "Raven?"
"I'm- okay." I said.
"Where are you child? There's no need to hide, I'll find you anyway." said a female voice.
"Raven, hide!" whispered Jack. I did as told and hid under a large pice of wood that covered me from head to toe from the creature, or whatever it was.
"Where are you Raven? You can't hide forever," she said. I can if I try I thought.
Then, BOOM! All the debris that was hiding me was now blown away and on the other end of the wreckage.
"Ah, hello Raven. Have we met before?" she asked. "I don't think we have."
"And we never will!" I said as I grabbed a pice of broken wood and threw it at her but missed.
"Nice try dear, but it's my turn now," she said as her staff began to glow and then all of a sudden, fire erupted. That's right.
Halloween Town was on fire. "No! Stop! Don't burn our home!" I shouted.
She chuckled as her right hand began to flow as well and then Jack and Sally glowed. They then hovered in the air and went towards the woman.
"Jack! Sally!" I shouted. "Put them down!" I shouted at the woman.
"I'm afraid I can't do that, bye bye!" She said as she disappeared alone with Jack and Sally.
They're gone. Gone! Jack and Sally are gone! I tried to think of possible places they might be but I couldn't come up with any.
And then, I did the only thing I could do... run.
Hey guys! I'm extremely sorry for the SUPER long wait and that you'll have to wait even longer for the next chapter to be out! I'm still on major writers block😩 And, I'm taking suggestions on what should happen in the next chapter! I have a couple ideas! One is that Raven leaves Halloween Town and goes to find her human friends. Two, Sora, Donald, and Goofy find her in the human world and bring her to Mickey. So, what do you think should happen? Choose between those two options!

My sweet little pumpkin (Jack Skellington's daughter) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now