Chapter 8

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Shoutout to Nisgirl23 and @western_spirited for leaving a suggestion!
Amy's POV
"This just in, police officers have reported an attempted murder and the victim is here to tell us what happened." said the news anchor as the video went to Raven's father.
Raven's father? What's he doing on the news? Wait, is Raven okay?
"Hello everyone. My name is Collin Fizz and I was almost murdered by a family member of mine." He said.
Oh just get to the point already! (I know this is a serious crime but I have a short attention span).
"What happened before all of this came up?" asked the news anchor.
"I was just minding my own business writing a letter to my wife since she's on a business trip in Japan, and the back door of my house opened with a slam and a knife was thrown at me but fortunately missed."
"And what happened after that?"
"I started fighting the person and they were actually wearing a hoodie so I didn't see their face, but I managed to take it off to reveal someone I knew and loved." said Collin.
"And who was that person?" asked the news intently.
Collin hesitated a bit but said the words I never thought I would hear in my entire life.
"My daughter, Raven."

The next day at school I instantly started looking for Ravi to see if he heard about what happened on the news last night. This can't be real, I thought to myself. Raven would never do such a thing!
"Ravi!" I called out into the hallway. No answer. Well, this is middle school. You expect no one to hear you the first time you call their name.
"Ravi!" I called out again. "Amy?" I heard a familiar voice in the hallway.
I turned around to see the short, Indian boy with grey pants, and a black shirt with stripes on it.
"We need to talk," I said as I grabbed his hand and went to a part of the school were it wasn't crowded. "Did you hear the news?"
"Yes I did. Do you believe any of this?" asked Ravi.
"I'm not sure, but we need to find Raven!" I said.
"But how? We can't cut school!"
"Would you rather have your friend be on the lam, or getting help from her friends?" I asked, my arms crossed over my chest. "And we're not going to cut school!"
Ravi gave me an agitated look and shook his head. "Fine. But if we get in trouble I'm blaming it on you." He said.

After school Ravi and I went to his house, and luckily his parents weren't home. (Yet).
"How exactly are we going to help Raven?" asked Ravi. "She could be anywhere."
"Call her?" I suggested.
"No, the police can track cell phones."
Dang it! I thought we could just call her. But wait, if police can track her, then so can other people right?
"Ravi, get on your computer. I'm going to call Raven." I said as he nodded and went to grab his laptop.
Once Ravi got his laptop, he asked why I was calling Raven if police can track her with her phone on. I then began to explain to him my idea that if the police can track her, then so can we.
"Okay, let's give it a shot," he said as he got ready in his laptop and I began to call Raven.
No suck luck. Ravi wasn't able to track Raven. Either she dropped her phone and it broke, or she's smart and turned it off.
After Ravi's parents got home I grabbed my stuff and said goodbye to the family and left.
Raven's POV
I need to find my friends! They'll help me with this! I just hope they'll believe me and won't freak out. Why did this have to happen? Out of all people, why do I have the Pumpkin King as my father? It's getting dark out. I should head back to that one cave I slept in before I came to Halloween Town but I don't know where I am.
I just need to find my friends. The closest house near me is Amy's. I hope she doesn't freak out.
Amy's POV
It's late at night and I feel stupid for not calling my mom and waiting at Ravi's house. Don't stop. Just keep going. I told myself.
Once I was on the block of my home, I heard a rustling sound come from the bushes and was curious to find out what it was.

"Hello?" I called out. "Anyone there?"
Nothing. Absolutely nothing happened. It was as if it never happened. I quickly turned around and headed to my house when something tapped my shoulder.
I slowly turned around and saw a person standing before me.
But it wasn't just any person. It was... Raven.

Once I got home I snuck in Raven and hid her in my room. Her features have changed since the last time I saw her. Her arms and legs are just bones with a hint of blue on it, her hair turned from brown to black, and her face looks like Jack Skellington's from The Nightmare before Christmas.

"Raven where have you been?" I asked her grabbing her shoulders.

"I can't tell you," she replied.

"Why? Why can't you tell me?" I asked frustrated.

"You won't believe me." She said.

"Oh for (insert word of choice here) sake Raven! You've been gone for who knows how long and you're saying I won't believe you?!"

"You won't." She said again.

"Yeah, just like I hardly believed that you attempted to murder your father!" I shouted. "Why would you do that?"
Raven looked up at me with a blank expression and said,

"He's not my father."

Third Person Point of View

After Amy got over the shock of finding her friend Raven and bringing her inside her house, a man was watching close by and saw everything.

"So the girl left Halloween Town and asked for help from her human friends hm? Interesting." said the man.
The man turned around and cackled as he thought of a plan to get Raven but was interrupted by the sound of a blade being swung in the air near him.

"Don't move Oogie!" said a young boy. The man turned around to see a boy around his teen years and a duck and a dog beside him. They were also carrying strange tools. The boy's tool looked like a key.

"You're under arrest for kidnapping the princess of Halloween Town and taking her away from her true parents." said the boy.
The man then laughed at the boy.

"And how are you going to do that Sora?" asked the man.

"Why don't you turn around." Sora said pointing.
The man then turned around and saw the king himself.
Mickey Mouse.

Sorry the chapter is so short and for the long wait! I still have major writers block and need suggestions! Leave your thoughts in the comments on what should happen next! (No lemons!)

My sweet little pumpkin (Jack Skellington's daughter) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now