~(Extra Chappy) Aftermath of Bbb's birthday~

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The party was over and the mop aliens clean up for the day. The joy would be remembered in everyone's hearts. Now our heroes can rest and recharge their batteries for a new day.

Inside Bbb's room, wanting the cherish every moment together he promised his elements they'll be able to stay outside the Power Watch for the next two days. The 12 elements and their owner were surely happy to hangout with echother.

The Blaze, Thorn along with Sori and Frostfire, they were playing some good ol' board games, monopoly perhaps...

Solar was just chilling, sitting leg crossed on a chair while reading, as well listening to his owner's conversation with Supra and Beliung.

Gentar happily listening to Halilintar with sparkling eyes, they were talking about fighting techniques and what weapons to use for battles.

Ais laying on his owner's lap, sleeping soundly while cuddling his whale plush. And Glacier resting his head on Bbb's shoulder, also sleeping very peacefully

Gempa observing everyone from the top bunk of one of the bunk beds, opposite Bbb's bunk bed and secretly recording everyone with Bbb's phone

Cheerful laughter occupied the bedroom as Bbb smile brightly at the two elements infront of him. Until a sudden realization crossed his mind...

"Heh...? Supra, I forgot to ask. What happened to our mission? And the Power Sphera?"

That surprised the two elements, as Ais and Glacier shot their eyes open, Solar's head beamed up from his book, Gentar and Halilintar stopped their conversation, the duo troublemaker. Frostfire and Sori turned their heads and Gempa's eyes widened, nearly dropping the phone. All eyes were on their spot, as the elemental wielder look at them confused

"Did... Did I say something wrong...?"

"Ehehehe..." Supra scratched his cheek "It's not you Ori... It's me." The element look over to his brother as in asking for permission, only received a nod in reply


"Okay, before this big party, Abang Solar planned everything inside the Watch... And... I was mostly in charge to this whole 'mission' thing..."


"So, while the others were busy wrecking the training room. I snuck out... It was apparently part of the plan..."

In the control, just normal talking between the Malaysian Tiger Admiral and Square head Commander. It was politely disturbed by a knock, they turn to see a boy, who knocked on the door frame instead of the door, since there was no door...

"Erk! Boboiboy?" Koko Ci looked at him surprised, mostly his appearance seems different

"Wrong name, try again."

"You're... one of his elements?" Admiral raised a brow

"More precisely, I'm his fusion. The name's Supra. My greet to you." The lad said sternly as he politely bowed in front of them, showing his 'for now respects'

The two higher ups were quite amused to his politeness, but curiosity flows their minds

"Fusion? Aren't you the one who made the final blow to Retak'ka?" The Admiral decided to ask


"And... Why are you out of Bbb's watch?"

"Me and my brothers, wanting to ask you a favor..."


"Well, you see, is our owner's Birthday tomorrow. We want to keep him busy, while the rest prepare the surprises."

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