~Monsters Au x Dragon Au: Stressful Meet~

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Another collab! But with a different author~

Say hello to... HLNana !!!

It was fun writing with you my queen~




A lone figure was seen sitting on the floor in his room reading a book. Yes, it was our own bright as the sun himself, Solar. This Solar is different than the one you know though, considering that this Solar has a pair of dragon horns on top of his head, serpentine eyes, and a fur trimmed tail. Yes, he's a dragon. But he's in his humanoid form since his dragon form is big and he doesn't want to destroy his room.


The person perked up hearing his name. He turned around towards the figure peeking from his doorframe, "Oh, Gempa! What are you doing here?" Solar asked the figure, now identified as Gempa. Gempa has a pair of brown leathery wings, a pair of short horns and a tail.

"I could ask you the same. What are you doing this late night? And are those symbols on the wall?"

True to his words, there were a lot of symbols being drawn on the wall in front of them.

"Oh, that- well..." Solar hesitated. Gempa quirked and eye brow, "Well, what?". "Uhh.... Remember the other time where other 'us' accidentally were brought here?"

"Yes, I remember that- Why- Please don't tell me-"

"Ahaha- I might or might not had found a spell for it-"


"I WAS CURIOUS OK- I just wanna see if it could work-"

"I- Solar- please think this through- why are you making this when we're at the brink of war?"

Solar only grinned sheepishly at his big brother before turning back to his book and drawings. Gempa sighed, and ran a hand on his face.

"Fine, just this once- if it fails, I'm putting the blame on you"

Solar saluted, "You got it big brother. Don't worry, I'm sure it won't fail!" "Sure..." Gempa mumbled, albeit sarcastically. Being a dragon, he heard the mumbled words and huffed.

Few minutes later

"Alright, I'm done!" A soft cheer was heard from the room. Gempa, yes him, who was watching Solar doing his thing walked up to him and said, "Oh, done already?"

"Yep! Now step back, I need to cite the mantras" "Just be careful, alright?"

"I'll be fine, Gempa. Now shush, I need to concentrate,". Gempa merely nodded and backed away for few feet.

Solar gulped down all his nervousness, held up the book and carefully read the mantra that is written in the book.

The writings on the wall glowed, but then it dimmed. Solar sighed in disappointment, sad that the experiment didn't work. Gempa spoke up, "Well, at least there's tomor-"

Before Gempa could finish his words, the writings sparked and glowed brightly. And a portal appears.

"I DID IT, GEMPA- I DID IT!" Solar grinned widely. But before Solar could continue cheering, few figures fell from the portal, groaning in pain.



One yelled, this one was... quite of a different species- they had brown hair, a big white streak with ears and a tail, a wolf perhaps. They wore a fluffy white cape, a white baggy jacket, black underneath shirt with pastel ripped jeans- attached by a golden belt

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