!~Interview Chapter~!

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Hello dear readers, me and Kaz would like to take a bit of your times please

We want to interview everyone about our collab, because the lack of commenting in further chapters. Now don't get us wrong, we know is not necessary for everyone to comment every single time. Hehe...

Is just... We're not sure if you guys really liked our stories and the 'shenanigans' we added for spice. And we wanted know how well or bad we did from the first chapter to the final.

So... I, Shadow here, thought it would be a good idea to interview everyone and ask for your opinions

Please give us your answers starting from down here:


What did you think about the collab?

Opinion on each Authors' work?




What was your first reaction when- Chapter 1: 'The Meet' came out?

-Opinion on it?

-Did anything make you cringed?

-Favorite scenes/moments?

-Improvement advices?


What's your opinion on- Chapter 2: 'Past Trauma'?

-What did you wished supposed to happen?

-How would you describe your feelings after the chapter?

-Improvement advices?


What's your opinion on- Chapter 3: 'Continuing the future'?

-Did anything surprised you?

-Which scene made you confused?

-Favorite scenes/moments?

-Improvement advices?


What's your opinion on- Chapter 4: 'Unexpected Outcome'?

-What surprised you?

-What triggered you?

-What did you wished supposed to happen?

-Favorite scenes/moments?

-Improvement advices?


What's your opinion on- Chapter 5: 'Flesh and Bones'?

-What did you expected before this chapter?

-Did anything confused or surprised you?

-Which scene did you find the most wholesome/sad/shocking?

-Was the plot too dramatic or did it escalate too quickly?

-Improvement advices?


What's your opinion on- Chapter 6: 'Nobody has to know...'?

-What got you curious?

-Was the plot too revealing or did it escalate too quickly?

-Did you cry? Or did you cringed?

-Improvement advices?


What did you think about the characters...?

-The Princes (Kingdom Au)?

-The Wolves (Monsters AU)?

What did you think about their character development and relationship?


What did you think about the Aus...?

-Opinion on Kingdom Au

-Opinion on Monsters Au


What are you most curious about in both Aus?

-Kingdom Au

-Monsters Au


Any improvement needed for both Aus?

-The plot

-The characters


Any theories on the two Aus?

-Kingdom Au

-Monsters Au


And that's it! We apologize if it's a little too long, hope you guys didn't mind answering these

And thank you so much for being honest and sharing your opinions! Until next time! Adios~


Published date: 16th June 2022

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