~Monsters Au: Prologue~

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Monsters Au had finally made a comeback

Greetings Readers, Author Shadow had successfully pushed through and found motivation to actually write something again. I took a week to finished this but I am satisfied.

I planned to give Monsters Au its own book, I will make one, but I can't promise there will be continuations- due to me already having too many books I need to carry. But yeah, I'll see what I could do

Anyhow, please enjoy the Prologue to Monsters Au


. . .



Thump thump thump

Running steps, harsh panting. A young child, clad in orange- drenched with sweat as he tries his best to outrun a group of armed Vampire guards through the dark forest

Hearing the Commander continuously shout "GET HIM! FASTER! FASTER!!!" with a chorus of "SIR YES SIR"

Anxiety increased, his legs muscles grind as hard as they could already- his limbs were burning to max. He attempts to use tricks to throw them off by bolting up to a tree- leaping from it to another and another, avoiding and dodging flying weapons coming from behind




After what felt like hours leaping through the trees, the kid couldn't hear the yells of the guards anymore. He jumped off and continued running like he wasn't out of stamina. Of course, his muscles were very much in pain- but if he wants to make it out alive, he must keep going until he loses them completely.

He kept going

And going

Sprinting from paths to paths without looking back

Until our protagonist found himself near a cliff, he gasped and hit the brakes, digging the sole of his shoes into the ground to not fall off. His eyes widened, realizing it was a waterfall when his ears registered the sound of heavy water splashing. His eyes catching the sight of an aggressive river from high above, shivering in fright- he took a few steps back.

. . .



They're back... Was the only thing that his mind screamed at him, he immediately snapped his head around. Now shaking, seeing the guards slowly approaching with their weapons- he held his arms up in the air like a criminal being caught.

They continued to walk forward, he backed up. Yet, it was obviously useless- behind the boy was a waterfall, a dead end, his demise.. As small bits of the cliff cracked, falling to the bottom of the steep rock face, he stared down in horror- not knowing what to do but to internally panic and pant heavily...




Unfortunately, the panicking was cut short when there was a sensation of the surface under his feet starting to slowly rumble, cracking... Not being stable enough to hold the poor child


...C r a c k...


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