~The Musical Meeting: "We don't talk about Retak'ka (Bruno)"~

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I guess most of you can already tell this chapter was inspired by GoldDragonKnight

I enjoyed writing this! And I hope you guys enjoy reading it~!


"So what is the meeting about again?"

Ahh... Here we see the five superhero friends, walking down in Laskar Station's hallway. With a confused Gopal, munching on his breakfast, long story short, they were called to wake up early for a meeting.

"Haiyah... Some higher ups from other stations wanted to meet Bbb, because he was the one who defeated Retak'ka." Ying stared at her friend flatly

"Wasn't it a teamwork?" Boi of course, refusing that he was the hero

"Ah lah... Bbb, you were the one who made the final blow." Yaya proudly smile at him, she for sure knew his personality like the others, Bbb can be easily read through his actions

"Eh. Why do they want to have a meeting anyways? His elements won't like this!" Ying exclaimed, taking Bbb's right arm, where his Power Watch was sitting and lift it up

"Hmm..." "Well... what do they even want to know about me...?"

"Possibly your powers, and of course how you defeated the villain" Fang rolled his eyes

"Ehh... Okay... then..." Bbb just gets more nervous, he was already stressed and nervous since the day the higher ups announced about the meeting. Yes, he can socialize, but he can get insecure when it comes to other people having their own opinion about him, it just brings him back to the time Adu Du invented Boboibot, making the town people turn him down


"Everything ready?"

"Yes, Laksamana!"

The meeting table was already occupied with higher ups from Tapops, Tempur-A and Laskar Stations. Familiar faces of Laksamana Maskmana, Laksamana Tarung, Commander Koko Ci, Captain Kaizo and Ramenman

"Remember the main protagonist for the meeting today is Boboiboy. Do your best my boy..." Said Admiral Amato, rubbing his boy's head

"Hehehe...! Terimahkasih Laksamana!"

"Alright, to your seats everyone!" Admiral Tarung interrupted them with his loud claps. They obeyed and quickly took their seats.

Soon enough, four unknown faces walk into the meeting room, with eyes already laid on them

Tarung stood up "Everyone, please greet our attendees." Everyone from the meeting table stood up and does the usual Tapops salute

"Please introduce yourselves."

One step up, a man, in his 40s or older in alien age, with a no joke height, at about 188cm. Serious face, pointy elf ears. Black, fading gray hair with a big dark blue streak, his hairstyle is somewhat similar to Amato's. Dark, dull purple eye, one was fully white with a scar slicing through the lids, top on with a cyan visor. His clothing was unique, usual Laksamana uniform but with computer like patterns, representing technologies, high-tech looking boots and a piece of armor scrapping his knees.

"Greetings. I'm Laszlo Lotherno, Admiral of Techno Blank Station." Stern, low voice, not too scary nor edgy

A girl stepping up beside the man. Reaching the height of 160cm. Black hair, with multiple dark blue highlights scattered around in lines. Black goggles with light purple lenses, slide down to see beautiful Lavender eyes. Nothing too formal, just casual clothes, high-tech boots and a piece of armor, similar to the man.

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