the next day

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Lilac's pov

I woke up to my stupid alarm last day before spring break I thought as I rolled painfully out of bed. I looked down and saw my sweat soaked cloths from a bad dream. I picked up my phone from the desk next to my alarm clock. I turned it on and to my surprise I had a couple messages then I realized what happend last night and my heart sank into the pit of my stomach.

What promise~ danny


are you ok~danny

This Michael Danny fell asleep and he has been pacing and he looked worried so I went thro his messages and I found your number and i wanted to make sure you were ok~un known

I didnt know what to do so I saved Michaels number and put my phone on the charger.
I went to the bath room and I looked down in horror at how visible the bruises and scratches are I went to the cabinet and I picked up my foundation and cover up I only had a little cover up left so I put it on my face and then I put my eye liner and mascara on. I opened my foundation and I was horrified it was empty
I looked to see if I had more but I was out my arms were coverd in bruises and scratches and my scars. My cuts from last night were still open but not bleeding.
I went into my room in horror and I but on my bracelets I calmed down some but it didnt cover all my scars so I back to the bath room and finish my hair brushed my teeth and then I went to my closet and I pulled out my falling in reverse long sleeve shirt a pair of black ripped skinny jeans . My sleeping with sirens high top converse and my zip up black hoody and I grabbed my phone my bag and my glasses and went down stairs.
It was now 6:30 I didnt have to leave for another hour and school didnt start tell 8:30 I dont know why I always leave early I thought as I started to pick up the beer cans and trash that my bastard if a father left for me to clean up. Qhen I finished I sat down and looked at the clock its 6:45 it only to 15 minutes .
Then my phone started to ring my heart sank as I saw the contact

Cliff hanger
Hey guys sorry for the cliff hanger didnt want to make it to long sorry any ways thanks for reading
Peace out thug pugs


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