chapter 3

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        (lilac s dream)

I was sitting in a dark room wondering where I was

          lilac I've been waiting for you. For so long a strange familiar voice said.

I couldn't figure out where I heard it from I slowly turned around and feel a sharp pain that takes away my breathe. No No No this can't happen again.

End of dream

       Then I woke up I didn't know where I was it was a room I have never seen before I had blue and black walls with band posters every where. Then I sit up and realized what happend to me all the memorys. Came back I see my phone on a table next to me I look at the time I've missed school I have been out for 5 hours damn I realized I'm still in a strangers house I stand up suddenly dizzy and fall which cause quit a loud thud and I heard running sounded like a lot of people I start to get scared and try to stand up again but fall again the door opens and I look at the floor ashamed and scared I heard voices say

Omg she's awake it was a girl's voice.

Some one bent down beside me.

Are you okay a familiar voice said

Y-Ya I'm f- fine I managed to say

Here let me help you.

No it's ok I said trying to stand again but fall but some one caught me.

Thanks I say they sat me on the bed

George get a glass of water

Okay the guy named George said

Some one sat beside me

Hey are you okay said the girls voice I heard earlier

Ya I'm fine I say still looking at the ground

She reaches over and pulled my head up so I'm looking at her

Let me see your eye she said


Wow you might want some ice

The George guy walked in and I saw the people in front of me it was Live Like Glass

I turned around to see the guy that help me up it was Danny Disastr

I look down at the floor and blush I realized I realized my long sleeve live like glass shirt is ripped and covered in blood I started to shake and hyperventalat my anxiety started to kick in

Goerge gave me the glass of water and I drop it Thomas came over and picked up the glass and Danny sat next to me

Hey calm down its okay and he hugged me and my anxiety stop and I jumped up so fast I got dizzy and fell on some one

Hey calm down it was Sisco's voice this time

I slowly stood up and back up into a corner away from them I look down at the floor I was cover in water

W-where am I, and-  ho- how did I g- get here?

Ashley came over to me and tryed to hug me but slides down and hugged my knees

pl-please don't touch me I said but she grabbed my hands and pulled me up to my feet and hugged me it's okay just calm down

I stood there not knowing what to do

What's your name she asked

Why do you ca-care?

Because my boy friend found you in a alley all beat up and covered in blood

I looked at Danny and he said I was scared you were covered in blood from your nose and your eye

I looked at him and he gave me like a your secret save with me look

I was shocked

So what's your name he ask I mean you like are band at least tell us your name and we will answer your questions after we know your name

My names lilac I said

Lilac that's a pretty name Michael said

I blushed and looked down Ashley let me go and took my hand and sat me on the bed

Danny you tell her since you know it better than we do Ashley said

(Sorry long chapter)

trapped in nostalgia ( danny disastr )Where stories live. Discover now