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Lilacs pov

beep beep ugh another day at the hell hole everyone calls school im so glad that spring break is in two days I rolled out of my little bed and hit my phone to make it stop so it won't wake up that bastard I call a father I turn on my phone to check the time it was two hours before I have to get up damn what happens to my alarm why was it set so early ohh I must have reset them the other day when I was waiting in line to get my ticket for the live like glass concert in four days can't wait tell I can get out of here to see them-

Lilac get your lazy ass in here right now you stupid slut

I jump up and run to the living room where I knew he would be drunk as always

yes I whisper

come here now you whore he yells

I slowly walk over to where he is and brace my self for what I knew was coming

he grabs my hair and throws me to the ground and starts kicking me and screaming at me. your worthless you know that your the reason your mother and sissters left. that was the lasts thing I heard when I blacked out

ugh I groaned as I came to I looked around and saw and all to familiar site my cloths or what was left of them all over the floor I started to cry and try to get up but I can barely move I look for my phone and find it still in my pants and look at the time damn I was out for and hour and fourty five minutes I crawl up stairs to my room and in to my bathroom and start my shower and clean every inch I could and slowly get out and dry off and I can see the deep bruise and cuts all over its too much I reach in my cabinet and pull out my blade and make four deep cuts up my wrist I watch the blood trickle down my wrist I clean it up off the floor and my arm I go to the closet and grab my black ripped skinny jeans and my live like glass long sleeve black shirt and my blue converse and brush through my hair and grab my bag jacket and glasses and head out the door

trapped in nostalgia ( danny disastr )Where stories live. Discover now