i woke up

44 0 6

Lilacs p.o.v

I woke up to voices surrounding me and I couldn't open my eyes. I felt around to see if I could identify my surroundings. The only thing I could feel is a soft fuzzy blanket. But the blanket its self felt familiar like I've been on it. i opened my eye a slit and realization hit me like a ton of bricks. I was at Danny's house again. how did i get here i thought. i stand up i feel dizzy i sit down i see my shoes and pull them on i also grab my bag that is sitting down next to me. i realized no one was in the room with me. so i stood up and went towards the window. 

i'm just going to leave i don't see why i always end up here i thought to my self as i opened the window. 

i stepped out of the window and saw that it was a 15 foot drop so i threw my bag down into a near by bush. 1..2....3 i jumped and when i landed i twisted my ankle 

shit i said i hobbled to my feet and i grabbed my bag and i ran. Well sorta ran I hobbled around to the front of the house. I heard voices when I reached the front I crouched down and slide back so I wasn't noticeable. I heard them talking but I think they were talking about me.

She's so afraid of everyone and everything its like she's scared to even breathe. I think that it was Thomas who was talking.

Its like someones hurt her to the point that she thinks everyone's gonna hurt her its sorta sad. This was from Cico.

I wish she would trust us and tell us what's going on. This was from Danny.


I heard shuffling feet and I took it as my chance to run. I stood up and ran that's when I saw someone get up and run I heard them scream my name. But I keep running no matter how much my leg hurt. I stopped by a near by park and sat down on a bench and pulled down my hood and closed my eyes and just closed my eyes and relaxed. i haven't been able to just relax in so long just forget how useless and and worthless i am. i cant stand it when people think they know who i am and that they can help me cause its simple they cant help me and never will be able to. i feel bad that they thonk they can help the beaten, broken, and the damned. ill never be free i say out loud not from the beatings the bullies the name from nothing. unless i'm dead. i stand and i feel some ones hand on my shoulder i turn and in see him. he grabbed me i tried to fight back but i couldnt i couldn't even run i stopped struggling and the last thing i saw before i black out was his face. 


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