the call

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A/n I found a micheal selfie
Lol to the book

Lilacs pov

I stand there shocked at the number I havent seen this number in awhile and he only ever sends me rude messages
I didnt know what to do so I answered it

You thought I would leave you alone didnt you you little bitch he said through the phone.
Please just leave me alone and then I dont know what went through my head but I hung up. I stood there terrified by the choice I just made and I started for a little walk to calm my head tell I started off to school in 15 minutes.I put my ear buds in and started it on shuffle the first sing that came on was brother by falling in reverse.I thought to my self as it played
ill never be loved im worthless, useless, stupid, fat, and ugly know one would ever write a song for me in general I thought the song switched to bvb perfect weapon and I saw a park come into view I went to a bench and sat down and listened to the music. Then I felt some weight on the other end of the bench not alot of weight but enough for me to notice then something tapped my shoulder out of fear and suprise I flinched back

Micheals pov

Danny just woke up and I havent been able to sleep for two reasons because im excited about my girl friend Erin comeing into town 2 because im sorta worried about Lilac. Danny just came back from the bathroom changed and hair still messy he picked up his phone and frowned
Whats wrong danny I ask
Nothing Michael he said
Im gonna go get breakfast is the van working
No sadly not I said with that Danny left

Dannys pov

I was sad that lilac didnt answer me I was walking and a park came into view I saw a familiar small blue haired figure Lilac I whispered she was to busy listening to music when I called her name. So I sat down and tapped her she flinched back and looked at me scaried then it calmed down then she was scaried agian whats wrong I wanted to ask but didnt

Lilacs pov

When I noticed it was Danny I calmed down and then I felt panicked cause of the text
Lilac why didnt you answer my messages I just wanted to know if you were ok and y you broke the promise danny said to me

I didnt k-know wh-what to say I whispered to him
He looked at meh sadly and he did something no one's done to me in a long time he hugged me I was shocked for a minute I hugged him back it felt like forever we hugged but only a few seconds

Bye I have to go I said and then I quickly walked away I barely heard him say bye I didnt know what else to do and I dont know why im walking to my hell hole of a school but ive got to get through today

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