The first encounter

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*while walking to school*. "Ughhhh this is boring if I'm not concerned about my grades I wouldn't walk under the shining sun. This is bad because my beauty for tonight is gonna be ruined."

(time skip for about 30 minutes....)

*pants*." OK! I'm here at school." I mumbled. While on my way to the classroom I suddenly heard some naughty words like ugly, useless, weak, pathetic. Hearing those words made me feel mad because those girls have no right to tease someone they're not a God after all. OK! Andrei Smith you should be manly for now to save someone's ass hmp! That words suck but I really have to do this for the girl. After fighting with my inner self I went to the group of girls. "Hey, Hey Isn't it rude to say that to a person?? Go away or else I'll have to teach you a lesson." I said loudly. "Yea We understand superman." The witches said then left me and the poor bullied girl. I looked at her and saw her crying "Umm miss are you ok??" I asked then handed over my hankerchief for her to wipe her tears. "Maybe....." She said wiping her tears with the hankerchief I gave. I think she's cute^^ hehehe oi Andrei come back to your senses she is a GIRL!!! you're a gay.


*wipes her tears* OK! I'm ready to thank him wait let me take a look at his face so I looked up to see his face and I saw a sparkling emerald green eyes woahh it's so beautiful and it made my heart skip a beat the next thing I knew I'm still looking at his adorable eyes "U-ummm Miss please don't stare at me like that it is embarrassing you know." He said. "Oh sorry I was so attracted with your eyes because they're so beautiful." I complimented him. "By the way I'm Cassandra call me Cassy." I added "E-eh is it?? Well thanks (he blushed) I'm Andrei, Drei for short pleased to meet you." He said blushing. "Same to you Drei^^. Ohh I think I gotta go cause' I might be late on my class you too you might be late." I said rushing then I ran to the stairs oh wait! I forgot to thank him then I ran back to him as fast as I could "Cassy have you forgotten something?? If it is my hankerchief it's yours already." He said. "Yea I forgot something but it is not your hankerchief anyway." I chirped. "Hmmmm then let's go and find it." He said. "Nooo, no need to find it (then I stood to the tip of my toes reaching his ear) because it's just my thanks. Thank you drei^^" I whispered and gave him a kiss on his cheeks then ran away "Hey Cassy what was that for??" He asked shouting at a distance. "A thank you gift :P" I said jokingly then ran to the stairs.

On the classroom.... My friends Anna, Lillian, Ryn, and Karen welcomed me "Good Morning!" I greeted them. "Ohhh looks like someone is in a good mood greeting us in the morning is a new thing of yours Cass." Lillian said. " I agree with lily did something good happened?" Ryn said in agreement. "C'mon tell ussssssssssssssssssss!" Karen nagged me while wrapping her arms my waist and tickled me. "Hmmmmm I think Cass is blushing." Anna said. "Oi guyss please stop with the interview is it bad to greet everyone on a good day?" I lied ."You're lying!!" They said in unison. "Yupp guys you got me there. I will tell you my story later ok I still need to study for the quiz." I said. After that our teacher came.

(back to the kiss scene)


Hahaha fun and cute girl *rubs his cheeks* my other self and her could be the best of friends actually but I think the kiss wasn't a thank you gift after all. Hmpff it's just a hunch of mine because would you kiss a person you just met?? Nevermind I will be going to the classroom now.

On the classroom... "Hey Andrea! Oops sorry I messed up Andrei I mean what's the meaning of what I've seen a while ago hmmm." Charlie asked (ughh he is a gay too like me and he works on the same bar I'm working so he knows my other self). "Charlie you have nothing to do with it okay go and mind your own business and also don't you ever say my pther name in school okay!? You brat." I said angrily. "Bro calm down I'm just asking if you're still yourself, letting a girl kiss you." He joked. "Please shut up the kiss was nothing okay!" I said sarcasticly.

(back to real time)


I can't move on to Drei's cute face so while taking the quiz I can't focus cause' I'm daydreaming again and again. C'mon Cassandra keep your focus you might get a unexpected score I argued with myself... After the quiz was free time that's why I love my Math teacher. *Looks at the window trying to find Andrei and then suddenly somebody slammed my desk. "So who are you looking at, it seems to be a boy." Ryn said and gave me a sinister look. "Errr umm nevermind call the other girls and I will tell you who am I looking at ." I said. "Got it! So excited to know who made my little Cass more energetic <3" Ryn said happily I blushed on what she said to me yah it's true I think seeing him makes me happy I think I fell inloved with him. "Well, well let's start knowing Cass' love at first sight story." Lillian said. "Yup seriously I'm kinda jealous of him so I really need to know that guy don't worry Cass I will kick him straight to the face if he does something to you." Karen said. "Awwww </3 too sweet of you babe *winks at Karen." I said sweetly. " Oh C'mon guys stop with the talk I want to hear the story already." Ryn said . After the convo I told them what happened earlier so they overreacted with it. "Ehhhhh too fast for the move Cass lucky of you that he didn't told the guidance office bout' that seriously!? Oh well that's good anyway." Ryn said with her mixed emotions. "Love , love is in the air but the question is did he liked what you did??" Anna said dreamingly. "I think he did like it maybe a little who can resist Cass' cuteness." Lillian replied to Anna. "Ehhh I'm not cute you know." I complained to what Lily said. "Hmmmm what not cute tch explain why do 100 boys of various classes are drooling over you, even sone of the girls including me senpaiii."Karen said. "Whatt!? Really is that true?? I'm not aware that over 100 are liking me @~@." I said. "Well back to the topic we Cass' friends should help her get that Drei guy but before that we should help her get that Drei guy but before that we should have some party at the bar later coz this is the first time that little Cass' had a crush oops I mean loveeee." Ryn teased me. " So what time, and place?? I asked. "Hmmm the bar near to your house and maybe 9:30 p.m." Ryn said. "Well that's the plan let's have some funnn." Lillian said.


It's our break time well usually I'm the first one to finish to eat because I don't chitchat while eating sooo I'm lonely right now looking at Cassy laughing near their classroom's window looking at her makes me remember of what happened earlier I hate to admit it but I can't get over with that matter.

(Time skip)

Phew! I survived the day on school and now O have to go straight to the bar and be my other self now yasss my most awaited time of the day because if I'm in the bar I can be my true self I went straightly to the nearby cafe to change clothes I always bring some clothes to school ya know I'm too lazy to go home and change my clothes into Andrea's clothing hmpff after a few minutes tadahhhh I'm a girl oh I mean a gay already I went out of the C.R. and I start walking to the bar, well it's just near and I'm used to walk with my heels.

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