Chapter 16: Devil's Summoning Spirit

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I read a few of the past chapters over again and they realllly need editing >_>


3rd Person

The carriage came to a halt as it approached Alfred's store. Y/N and Ciel simultaneously looked out of the window at the shop, seemingly gloomier than it usually was, the jewels weren't sparkling as much as they did before. Sebastian opened the carriage door for the young nobles, and took Y/N's hand as she stepped out, her eyes on the store. 

"Something's wrong," she mumbled, "it doesn't seem right."

Sebastian looked at Y/N and raised an eyebrow, a small smile playing on his lips as he watched the girl analyse the situation. Ciel glared at Sebastian and followed Y/N from behind and stood bedside her as they observed the store. The street itself was also rather empty, a rare sight for this street of London. Definitely strange. 

"Shall we go in Y/N?" Ciel asked side glancing at his companion.

Y/N nodded and lead the way, opening the door, the bell above it ringing.

"Arthur? Alfred?"

"Miss Y/N!" Alfred came out from behind the counter his face cringing in what seemed to be pain, "ugh, Arthur, he's trapped, he's trapped in Death's Jewel!"

As Alfred approached her, Y/N could see the red blood dripping from his leg to the wooden floor.

"Death's Jewel..." Ciel muttered, dazed.

"Alfred! Goodness, what happened!?" Y/N inquired seriously, grabbing a chair for her employee to sit down on, "your leg, it's bleeding!"

"I know, I know, I'll fix it up later, I just managed to escape from it now, but Arthur, I have no idea where in the Jewel he is!"

"Where is it?"

"In the top left drawer behind the counter," Alfred replied, fishing a key out of his pocket passing it to Y/N, "hurry!"

"Okay," Y/N rushed to the drawers and fit the key into the lock, opening it, "Sebastian, please help Alfred stop the bleeding!"

"Of course milady," Sebastian said, "Mr Jones, if you'd come with me please." 

Sebastian and Alfred walked into the back room, leaving Ciel and Y/N together.

"Y/N, the Death Jewel, doesn't it hold a 'Devil's Summoning Spirit' or something like that?" Ciel asked, facing Y/N, "I don't understand how your butler would be trapped in it now though."

"I don't understand either," Y/N sighed, taking out the box and opening it, "the Jewel was designed to never let anything in, or out without Alfred opening it, and I know he wouldn't open it on purpose..."

"Maybe, just designed to never let anything in... And the spirit out?"

"Perhaps." Y/N replied staring at the jewel's deep colour, sighing.



"You're not thinking abou-"

"Of course I am Ciel."

"But you can't, what if something happens to you?"

"It's for Arthur, whatever happens, I'll take it on."

"I won't let you."

"And why not?"

Ciel looked at Y/N surprised.

"...Because getting you lost too wouldn't be ideal would it?"

"I guess. But what other choice do I have?"

Checkered Royals [Ciel Phantomhive x Reader] *NOT FULLY EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now