Chapter 2: Letters From Her Majesty

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Ciel sat at his desk, head propped on top of his fist, going through documents about the progress of his company's factories internationally. They were making positive supplies, profits and approvals; just as usual. He let out a small, quiet sigh.

"Is anything the matter my Lord?" asked Sebastian, turning his head toward the Phantomhive while dusting some book shelves, "would you like something sweet to eat?"

Ciel silently nodded his head, not lifting his eye up from the paperwork of which was sprawled out before him.

The butler eyed the young boy for a moment before leaving the room, shortly returning with a tray of tea and biscuits.

"Shortbread biscuits dusted in the finest sugar and some tea of my own mix for you young master," Sebastian smirked at the mention of the tea, "I specifically created the tea to fit your own taste."

Ciel lifted his head up, a bored gaze fixed upon his butler's smiling face.

"Very well. Bring it here."

Sebastian quietly placed the tray beside his master's paperwork, pouring the tea into the china teacup. Ciel hooked his fingers around the handle of the teacup lifting it from the saucer, making a small clanging sound, before bringing it to his lips. He sipped.

Sebastian smiled once again, before returning to his business of dusting the study.

A loud knock could be heard from the other side of the study door.

"Come in." Replied Ciel, staring at the door rather annoyed. Sebastian strolled toward his master's desk and looked at the door expectantly.

Mey-Rin stumbled in, holding what seemed to be a letter in her hand. She hurriedly went to place it on Ciel's table, but unfortunately seemed to have, somehow, tripper. However, Sebastian had caught her whilst she fell, holding Mey-Rin in a uncomfortable position.

The three stayed there for a moment, awkwardness seeping into the atmosphere.

"A-ah S-Sebastian, I-I'm so t-terribly sorry!!" the red haired maid hurriedly said, pushing herself off from the butler, bowing profusely, face pink from embarrassment "H-here's the letter my lord!!"

Mey-Rin placed the letter on the table before quickly bowing once again and leaving as fast as possible.

The butler and master both looked at the door of which Mey-Rin had just left from waiting for a few seconds.

There it was, the sound of further destruction, Bard yelling to get the flamethrower and a slight "hohoho" from Tanaka.

Ciel sighed once again. He grabbed the letter and ripped open the red seal, pulling out a neatly folded piece of paper with the queen's handwriting on it.

My dear little guard dog,
I would like to present a new case for you to take on and resolve as I know I haven't given you one in a while. A majority of the L/N family from the famous jewellery company "Blood Jewels" have disappeared out of sight not too long ago, and there have been no found traces or clues by Scotland Yard. They have failed me, but I certainly have faith in you that you will not.
Mr and Mrs L/N had gone missing on the xx/xx/xx, shortly followed by the disappearance of their youngest daughter S/N the day after.
Their eldest daughter, Lady Y/N has been taking over the business ever since and has also taken interest in investigating herself. After coming to her acquaintance a few times, I've grown a liking toward her and have named her my "Lynx". Much like the animal, she is cunning and a powerful attacker when the time comes.
With this piece of information, I would like to ask if you would please investigate the case with my Lynx and discover the truth behind the disappearances.

Checkered Royals [Ciel Phantomhive x Reader] *NOT FULLY EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now