its the author after years of no updates :)

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Not entirely sure if anyone is reading this book still, but hi! I'm the author..
I know it must've been a little disappointing to see this book never be finished, but to be frank I forgot I even had a wattpad account... I stopped using wattpad entirely for a few years because of a lot going on in my life.

I'm a little older now, and these kinds of books aren't quite my flow anymore, but I feel extremely guilty after reading all these comments about me never continuing haha

And since we're now in a time where we're isolated, I suppose I have quite a bit of time to just write :)

I'm sorry for taking so long to come back, and if you're reading this now, thank you for reading up to this point in this little story I made when I was like.. 14 Haha- I'm now half a decade older :')

I reckon a lot of my initial readers have also grown a lot in the time I've been away, but I'd also like to thank them for reading this in the book in the first place!

I'll be back with a new update soon :)


Side note: I just reread the entirety of this fanfic so far... and I'm pretty sure I've never creased so hard lmao

Leave it to my younger self to have the guts to write something like this! I know a lot of the writing could've been a lot better, please forgive me.. but I also don't plan on going back to edit everything, at this point I feel I should just leave it be and just move on with the next chapter.

A lot of the plot points in this story were absolutely everywhere, so I plan to kind of... not conclude everything because honestly I'm not entirely sure where I was planning to go with a large majority of it, so I think a couple fluff chapters to end this book once and for all will have to do. I hope I won't be upsetting a lot of you readers out there, but like I said, these kinds of books aren't really what I vibe with anymore lmao

Checkered Royals [Ciel Phantomhive x Reader] *NOT FULLY EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now