Chapter 4: Burning Emblems

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I had a picture of what Y/N would wear, but Wattpad doesn't seem to allow me to attach it...
Anyway, here's chapter 4!


Y/N was visiting the Phantomhive manor again, to discuss further matters with Ciel. She was quite entertained from her past visit, with the Pluto incidence and all, but she didn't really mind.

She had also noticed Arthur being quite wary of Sebastian the last time they encountered each other, barely having full conversations. Neither of them exchanged any kind of smile to the other, not a real one at least. She would interrogate Arthur later. At the moment, she was sitting in Ciel's study once again, going through some papers with the Phantomhive. The atmosphere was definitely not one of the most welcoming she had been in. It was particularly quiet. Ciel seemed to be quite focused on the papers set before the two, reading through them intently. Y/N only took a few glances at them, and knew exactly what they were.

Her family and business reports.

Though she wasn't quite sure why Ciel wanted to know so much about her and her family, she had thought he would research more about the suspects of the kidnappings.

"Lord Phantomhive," Y/N spoke up, "why are you so keen on finding out so much about the victims? I'm sure this much is unnecessary..."

"Because we should find out possible motives for the kidnapping," Ciel replied curtly, "Y/N, are there any people who may hold a grudge against you or your family that you are aware of?"

Y/N looked at the papers thoughtfully.
"I've thought about this a lot, but I cannot think of anyone alive who would want to do anything terrible to my family and I..."

"Alive? Then how about dead?" Ciel said, gaining interest.

Y/N looked up at Ciel, slight hesitation in her E/C eyes.

"There is one person. But they have long passed. During my great grandfather's time," Y/N continued, "they bore such a great grudge that they- no, they just... Had a lot of hatred toward my family."

Ciel raised an eyebrow as Y/N changed her sentence.

Ciel was about to ask more questions when the door was suddenly thrown open by a certain red-haired grim reaper.

"OH BASSY~ where are you my love?!" Grell cooed, a hand dramatically held over his heart, "I shall forever seek our future together~ oh my Bassy!!"

Ciel stood up in an instant, annoyance clear on his face. But before he could say anything, Y/N was already up on her feet and making her way toward the reaper.

"Y/N wai-"

"Grell?! What on earth are you doing here?!" She asked, quite shocked.

Ciel was even more shocked, realising that Y/N knew Grell.

Grell squealed, seeming delighted to see Y/N, picking her up and embracing her a little too much.

"OH Y/N!! What a pleasant surprise seeing you, young lady, here at the Phantomhive Manor! Oh and look! Hello Ciel~ do you know where that dear Sebastian is? I wanted to visit him!" Grell sang, dancing around the room.

Ciel sighed and half heartedly called for his butler. Sebastian appeared in an instant and seemed to be quite disappointed at what he found.

"What are you doing here, Grell?" He said, almost spitting his words out at the grim reaper, "My lord, would you like for me to rid of this... Thing?"

Ciel simply nodded, sitting down in his seat again. Y/N covered her mouth as a smile crept up on her face. Grell never failed to make her smile. Even when he wasn't doing so on purpose.

Checkered Royals [Ciel Phantomhive x Reader] *NOT FULLY EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now