Chapter 7: Sulphuric Curses

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Arthur burst into the room the moment Y/N fell into her 'slumber'.

"Mistress!" He shouted, swiftly attending to the unconscious girl's side, "She's had a deficiency...." 

Not soon after, Sebastian entered, looking at the scene that was happening before him. 

"Young master," Sebastian said, eyeing the boy, "I think it's best you let Arthur handle this."

Ciel looked up at his butler, then looked down at Y/N again, giving his decision.

"Okay." Ciel looked back at Y/N before closing the study door after him.

 He faced his butler.

"Sebastian, I want to watch."


Arthur dipped his hand into his blazer pocket, and brought out a ring of pure silver/gold. A F/C jewel was embedded into the centre of it, intricate designs complimenting the jewel perfectly.

"Please forgive me Y/N.." He mumbled, gently placing a gloved hand over Y/N's delicate lips, taking her left glove off, revealing the strange scars, "I don't want to hurt you, but I must..."

He slipped the ring onto Y/N's thumb, simultaneously firmly pressing his other hand down on Y/N's mouth.

Her eyes shot open, and screamed into Arthur's hand, breaking out into a sweat. Her body shook violently as she gripped the chair arm tightly with her right hand. The scars on her left hand glowed a dangerous red, the ring seeming to burn into her skin. Arthur removed his hand from her mouth and wrapped his arms around Y/N, tightly holding onto her.

"Y/N you can do this. You can survive for a little more time..." He said, reassuringly, "you can do it..."

Y/N bit hard into her lip, tasting her metallic blood which leaked out from the wound. The pain was excrutiating, like her whole arm was on fire, fire from hell itself. 

The scars glowed and the ring burned for what seemed like an eternity before it all stopped suddenly. Arthur quickly took the ring off and put it back in his pocket, taking Y/N's exhausted hand to inspect. Y/N's eyes streamed tears, she was trembling, half from fear and half from the pain. 

"Arthur..." Was all she could muster out before holding the ungloved hand to her chest and cried- hunching over, her figure looked deformed and nothing like the confident young girl from only moments before. 

"It's finished now Y/N," Arthur said, "the timing was extremely unfortunate. Especially since it seems that our hosts have now found out." 

Arthur looked directly at the crack in the double doors of the study.

Ciel's POV

Sebastian just looked down at me an gave me that annoying smirk.

"Yes milord." Was all he said and opened the door slightly, just enough for me to see what was happening.

Arthur had brought a shiny object out of his pocket- a ring? And put his hand over Y/N's sweet lips- wait. 

I was utterly confused, what was this? Arthur took her glove off and I saw strange markings on her thumb to her wrist, and a small circular emblem. He slipped the ring onto her thumb, and what happened next, I did not see coming.

Y/N launched back into consciousness, but her face contorted into a pained look. Muffled screams could be heard, Arthur's hand containing it all. She was in a lot of pain, I could see. From where I was standing, I could clearly see how much she shook, and the markings- they glowed. Glowed a red, a lava like red, mixed with blood. The ring itself seemed to glow too, like it was melting.

Checkered Royals [Ciel Phantomhive x Reader] *NOT FULLY EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now