Chapter 1: A Day Like Any Other

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•Ciel's POV•

I sat up in my bed. Sebastian pulled the curtains hanging from the windows aside, letting in rays of sunlight.

"Sebastian, what time is it?" I asked, my voice was tinged in monotone.

"It is exactly 7:30 in the morning young master," Sebastian stated, moving across the room swiftly to my bedside, picking up a tea-cup from the trolley he had pushed in earlier, smirking, "care for some tea and scones?"

I silently took the cup of tea into my own hands and sipped on it. Earl Grey. Just right. I then carefully grabbed a scone, taking a small bite out of it. Sebastian watched me do so as a hawk. Like always.

I continued to repeat the small process until both the tea and scone were finished, and swung my legs over the bed, lifting my head up slightly, exposing the collar of my shirt clearly.

Sebastian immediately tied the ribbon neatly around my collar and mumbled mockingly.

"My, my, silent yet so demanding!"

"Shut up." I replied sharply.

He smiled to himself, a smile full of satisfaction, and speedily dressed me in the rest of my normal attire.

As soon as he finished, he bowed and stated that he would oversee the others: Mey-Rin, Bard and Finny, to make sure they were doing their jobs correctly and left. I doubt that they ever will do to be frank. I made my way toward my study, preparing myself for the papers and letters ahead.

And so, that was the beginning of a day, much like any other.



•Y/N's POV•


"Mistress Y/N!!! Wakey wakey!!" Coaxed the extremely familiar voice of the being hovering over my once peacefully sleeping body, "remember you're having tea with  Majesty today! You must prepare!"

"Must I get up so soon? It's too early, I can barely see the sunshine," I quietly groaned, covering my head with my soft pillow, "and I'm sure we'll have plenty of time to prepare..."

The voice chuckled lightly and the sound of curtains being drawn open could be heard.

"That's because the curtains were closed Y/N," the voice laughed some more, "and it's already 8:30 you lazy twit!"

My head snapped up at the words "lazy twit".

"Excuse me for staying up late finishing important documents, Arthur, I deserve my sleep!! And don't call me a twit!"

Arthur only laughed some more whilst I climbed out of bed and sipped on my morning milk tea and nibbled on my delicious breakfast. As soon as I completed consuming my breakfast, Feliciana, my personal maid, came running in, smiling happily.

"Miss Y/N, I picked out a nice dress for you today, considering that you're meeting some important people later!!" She exclaimed, literally shoving the O/C dress on me while Arthur silently left the room, "It looks wonderful on you milady!! Oh turn around and let me put your corset on..."

I followed her orders and reluctantly readied myself for a painful experience. Feliciana carefully fitted the horrid contraption around my waist and pulled on the lace gently, shaping my torso. But the terrible pain that I had anticipated never came.

"Feliciana aren't you-"

She interrupted me, "Hush now Mistress, I don't really think you need a corset, but I put it on you just in case anyone noticed! And I never like hurting you... It's horrible!!"

And this is why I had chosen Feliciana as my personal maid, she was kind and treated me as a sister would. I smiled, thanking her before turning around again for her to button up the dress.

"And... Done!" My maid said, dusting my shoulders off "I'll see you later milady, I've got business to attend to, like helping in the kitchen~" and with that, she scurried away ecstatically toward the kitchen.

Arthur returned right after, looking me up and down.

"You're looking very presentable today Y/N, and it's a very useful thing for your hair to be so naturally tamed in the morning!" He grinned, offering his hand, "come on, let's get you to your study."

Touching the back of my neck with one hand, I gladly took my butler's hand with the other and followed him down the hallway toward a wide door which lead to my study.

Another day to begin~


•Mystery Person POV•

I watched as she hurried down the hallway with that wretched butler of hers. Sickens me, she does. How can she keep that mask of her's on for so long? After I took away her family, left her doing everything: running the business, household, servants... How?

I just want to control her like my very own Y/N doll. But she's turned into a tough puzzle to play with.

I sighed shaking my head. Ah well.

I'll keep working towards my goal, and I'll get there soon.

I will. And no one shall be in my way of doing so.

Because I want to.



I can't write long chapters, I'm sorry. ;-; anyway, this is a short intro to the story, as chapter 1. If you haven't noticed, I've merged England and some kind of Fem!Italy into your life at the L/N household XD so there's a teensy little cross over hehe..

Edit:And Feliciana isn't that hard to pronounce guys, feh-li-see-ah-na, it's not that weird -3-

Checkered Royals [Ciel Phantomhive x Reader] *NOT FULLY EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now