The main character, Vincent, explores the depth of the outer regions of the solar system, while writing everything on his diary. Through space, his biggest passion, he'll become a new man. He doesn't have much to live for, except this mission and hi...
I think that of all planets in our solar system, Mars takes the spot as the most widely known of all times. It has an intriguing history of a possible past life that might have hospitated it, and although it's just theories with very strong evidences at the basis, I still wouldn't be 100% sure about the possibility. Talking about the mythology, Mars is seen as the god of war and as the agricultural guardian, which I find odd since agriculture is the main concern of human life.
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That shining dot in the picture is Phobos, one of Mars' moons.
I admire in pure astonishment at these dull orangish colors, and can't stop but wonder how cruel might have the fate been towards this planet. I feel remorse, more like anemoia, which would be the nostalgia for a time never experienced. It's probably the colors, or its possible sad past that makes me feel this way, and it's a feeling as lonesome as the one I felt on the Moon, if not even more passionate.
When people say that alien life might be possible within our universe, I don't think it's fully wrong, but their conception of alien life at times can be. What is defined under that adjective is every form of life, which could be unicellular or multicellular, outside of Earth. Most people would think that the other forms of life must be more advanced than ours, or that the being must be multicellular, and of course, this conception is wrong, yet most people think this way. It doesn't piss me off, but they should get their facts straight.
For the first time, I can see a planet's moon. Actually, I can see both at the same time, which I find pretty unique. The atmosphere is very intrusive yet so thin, and it's of the same color as the planet, almost as if it was dust raised by the great quantity of rocks and sand on its surface. It all seems like one big dead desert, with no hint of life or water anywhere.
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The mountains are also very numerous, and the gravity feels just like Mercury's, allowing me to "fly" around the planet once again. Compared to Earth, Mars is very little, but what makes it so interesting is the proximity to our home and the chance of a past life. I think that without those two elements, it would just be categorized as a large wasted desert in the middle of nowhere.
Nonetheless, I find it fascinating for how much it makes me feel at home. I didn't expect Mars to have any other resemblance to Earth than what I already stated earlier, but the winds actually feel and sound the same. It sounds just like a storm in the sea. I also love cold winds, they make me feel a chill down my spine but in a positive way. Additionally, Mars is a cold planet in general, and that's another reason on why it makes me feel like I'm at home.
You might have noticed in the pictures a big white spot on top of the planet. That's snow, but not your typical snow made out of water; it's actually made of carbon dioxide!
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The surface just makes me feel so heartbroken, to think that here lives with dreams and hopes might have existed but were never able to accomplish themselves.. it makes me sick in a way. The winds are raging but not as strong as the winds on Venus luckily, so I was able to keep moving forward to a nearby mountain. I looked at plenty of what seemed to be drained oceans, and I thought about how Mars' once unstoppable tides have been lost to the ages. Poor little planet, I can do nothing but empathize with you, in hope that you'll be terraformed one day.
Will this fate be the same as our Earth? Am I on the future representation of what our planet will look like soon? I hope no destiny such as this will ever doom us eventually, for times and times to come I hope we will happily live on our home without worrying about the future, just like when we were kids.
I sat on the edge of this tall mountain, and I started contemplating. I just stood there quiet and listened to the harmony of Mars, which was lulling me through the journey and my thoughts. Mankind is truly a sad species; we hate and use each others to achieve meaningless things, which we will eventually lose to the unstoppable force of time, just like Mars lost its prosperity. I still wonder why we do the things that we do, and why we are the way that we are. There is truly no explanation to answer the question, not even science can give us a logical answer. Actually, science tells us that our only purpose is to reproduce, and maybe they're right. We're nothing but animals.
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If I had to compare Mars to something, I'd compare it to an old and vintage item. It has its story, which dates back to times where probably me and you weren't even born, and although most of the times they can't serve their purpose anymore, you just keep them for their value. Mars' value is its possibility of discovering a past life and its requirements met for terraforming, and although right now it can't serve its purpose, it can still be "fixed". This planet also has its story which dates back to ages ago, like every other planet actually.
I've spent enough time on this planet. It's about time I go to my next destination. It doesn't have a solid surface, but I've been told there will be special equipment for me to stay. Jupiter will be my next destination.
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