two | peer pressure

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"hey! let's play board games!" genie suggested as her, valerie, zariah, her boyfriend seokjin, valerie's boyfriend namjoon and their friends taehyung, jimin and hoseok sat on the floor of namjoon and hoseok's suite. "literally who does that anymore.." jimin mumbled while scrolling on his phone.
"for once in our lives can we behave without! our devices, you know like have real life conversations!" genie said slapping jimin's phone out his hand.

"if it's cracked you're paying for the repair!" jimin demanded, pointing at her before checking his phone and sighing in relief to see it's perfectly fine. "geneva's right!" jin declared
"of course YOU think that..pussy whippeddd" jimin laughed, dapping hoseok up.

jin rolled his eyes in response.

"anyway..there's board games in my room, taehyung and riah can the two of you go get them?" namjoon asked, making quick glances at jin and the girls.

zariah gave him a side eye. is this their idea of "matchmaking" ???

"okay.." taehyung said side eyeing namjoon as well.
zariah got up in silence, turning to genie and val with a threatening facial expression.
"funny, he didn't tell us where exactly the games are.." taehyung mumbled, looking around the room.
"yeah, let me go ask them" riah said, quickly walking to the suite bathroom and turning to open hoseok's room
"..its locked-" riah said pulling on the knob.

go fucking figure.

"what? you're kidding right?" taehyung asked, trying to open the door next.
"did you lock it before you walked in?" taehyung asked.
"no. why would i do that?" riah asked offended.
"just a question..why would it be locked.." taehyung pondered
"somebody locked us in." riah huffed
"why would they do that? as a prank?" taehyung questioned
"i'm pretty sure i know why" riah scoffed, crossing her arms.

"and that would be..?" taehyung asked
"i'd really rather not answer that.." riah said walking back into namjoon's room
"why not.." taehyung asked, following them
"not explaining that" riah whispered
"okay.." taehyung backed off
"'s just..this is really humiliating oh my goddd" riah groaned, sitting on joon's bed with their head in their hands.

"i'd love to know why but.."
"not telling you"
taehyung walked towards hoseok's door.
"HEY LET US OUT GUYS!! FUN'S OVER!" he yelled, banging on the door.
"oh silly, it's just begun!" valerie exclaimed as they could hear the group laughing at them.
"maybe you guys can do seven minutes in heaven!" genie suggested
"what is this, middle school?" zariah scoffed

"and why would we do that..?" taehyung was clueless
"ask riah" genie said softer

riah laughed and rolled her eyes, she was going to kill genie when she got out of there.

"what is she talking about z?"
"c'mon, is it not obvious?"
"i want to hear it from you, z"
"no where for you to run and hide now!" genie chuckled from outside the door
"can you stop being nosey!" z demanded
"okay, okay!" g said before she could be heard walking away from the door
"i can't believe im experiencing public humiliation and peer pressure in COLLEGE!..ok whatever, let's just get this over with so we can move past this and pretend it never happened afterwards okay?" taehyung answered with a curious stare.

"so..i like you..and it's not something i can control, trust me i would stop it if i could because i know the feelings aren't mutual and it's just really fucking embarrassing. but my friends were sick of me calling myself the 5th wheel, so they locked us in this room thinking i'd confess and you'd say you liked me too and we'd fall in love and live happily ever after but that's obviously not going to happen! so" riah blurted before she got back up to yank on the door.

"it's not happening genie! open up please!" riah begged, breathing heavily.
"wait, riah.."
"you really don't have to say anything..i get it" zariah sighed
"no, you don't get it" taehyung scoffed as riah turned around to look at him.
"why are you acting like this?" taehyung asked
riah scoffed, turning back around

"i mean you jumped to this conclusion based on how you perceive you perceive yourself without even getting my input"

"what are you trying to say taehyung?"
"what i'm trying to say is..i like you too"

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