ten | never forget

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zariah let out a sigh as she gathered their things to leave for jin and yoongi's apartment. now, the group frequently had get togethers, but this time it was different. this time, zariah was preparing to actively avoid not one but two people in her friend group. it'd only been a week since both incidents, but zariah had succeeded in not speaking to, interacting with, or even being in eyesight of taehyung and jungkook. tonight that lucky streak would be coming to an end and under her allowance as well. zariah wasn't thrilled to see either of these boys again, especially not taehyung, but bailing on the get together just to avoid 2 out of her several friends would likely not go unnoticed. to their knowledge the only people that knew about both situations were her, neves, val and jungkook himself. and she preferred to keep it that way, the last thing they'd want is drama or her friends feeling like they'd have to pick sides or be as uncomfortable as she's going to be. so they were going to try their best to make the breakup as minuscule as possible and they damn sure needed to make sure nobody ever found out about the kiss.

"ready to go? and ri..are you sure you're good to go tonight?" neves asked as the three of them walked towards the door. "yes neves, i said it's fine already, i'll live" zariah said not-so-confidently. "z" neves said frowning as val turned to look at her. "we're here for you, okay?" val said holding z's hand. "i know, maybe it won't be too bad, it'd be better if tae wasn't there at all but you know-" ri half joked. "good luck on that dream" val laughed with neves. "and what about jungkook.." neves queried. "i don't even..know..it's not like we spoke much before that so hopefully nobody will notice" "unless he actually tries speaking to you" neves scoffed. "and why would he?" zaraiah received eye rolls and scoffs in response. "what?.." "maybe because you kind of left him hanging or because he's actually interested in you" neves answered blankly. "well let's hope he just leaves me alone..god" zariah sighed as her friends again rolled their eyes, the three of them finally exiting their dorm.

zariah refused to believe, or even try and consider jungkook having feelings for her. it just wasn't something she was willing or prepared to think about if that kiss meant a damn thing to either of them at this moment in time. but maybe they'd reconsider eventually.

"so, are you gonna talk to her?" minghao whispered to jungkook where only jimin and yugyeom could hear. "i already told you man, no! i promise she wants nothing to do with me" jungkook jeered. "wait, huh? she who? who's she?" jimin asked as the four of them stood in the kitchen. "zariah" minghao answered quietly. "za-..i thought she was with tae? talk to her about what?" jimin asked extremely confused. jungkook said nothing, grabbing him and pulling him into the bathroom in response. "woahhh your'e cute and all but i'm not into you like that" jimin joked. "will you shut up for a second? zariah and tae broke up" "HUH?!" "how did you not know? you're literally his roommate" jungkook questioned. "he doesn't share much with me actually, and he's been acting perfectly normal. i could never tell" jimin explained. "of course he has" jungkook rolled his eyes. "so what, you're thinking of making a move now? isn't it a bit too soon?" jimin asked. "no, in fact..i already did" jungkook shook his head at himself. "what do you mean you already did.." "i kissed her" "you WHAT?!" jimin yelled. "be quiet? and yeah..last week at the frat..she came in crying about..about taehyung and..i ended up kissing her in the end" "you need to work on self control and reading the room" jimin answered in a serious tone. "i know man..fuck and..i did apologize but she asked me to kiss them again? so i did but then they like freaked out and left? i don't know" jungkook squinted. "well, they're fresh out of a relationship" jimin answered. "i know..i'm so fucked up, man" jungkook said grabbing at his hair. "no you're not. you just really like her but she has other things on their plate right now. they'll come around." jimin asssured. "or maybe they won't" "regardless, it's nothing to stress over right now, let's get back to our friends?" jimin suggested, jungkook nodded in response before they walked out the bathroom. "and what were y'all doing?" yoongi interrogated. "just..catching up!" jungkook responded awkwardly. "okay..anyways, are y'all ready for cup pong?" yoongi shouted as everyone cheered in agreement.

zariah's plan had been working well. everyone was having a good time and she successfully was avoiding both jungkook and taehyung. "drink, drink, drink!" the group cheered as joon picked up his sixth cup of liquor. he was losing to taehyung terribly. "yeah he's definitely blasted by now" seokjin stated as everyone laughed. "who? me? neverrr" joon slurred as he twirled around the kitchen with his full cup in hand. "namjoon watch ou-" jungkook spoke out before getting drenched in liquor. his fault for standing right behind him. "my baddd brooo" joon slurred, tapping jungkook's shoulder repeatedly. "i'll take that" jin said attempting to take joon's drink. "no it's fine-" joon began, snatching the drink away and turning right. bumping right into zariah. "shit, i'm sorry" "now i smell like liquor!" riah exclaimed sarcastically. "give me that! and joon, you're done." jin commanded as he finally retrieved his drink. "kook, ri, i have some spare shirts laying out in my room if you need to change, joon is so embarrassing" jin offered. the two reluctantly walked towards jin's room. her luck zariah thought.

"god" zariah sighed in disgust as she walked towards the shirts. jungkook quickly grabbed a shirt and pulled his off. stripping in front of her without a care. "oh" zariah let out as they couldn't help but stare. jungkook was sculpted like a greek statue. chiseled and glistening abs, strong veiny arms and tattoos decorated over them here and there. "oh, shit! im sorry! didn't mean to flash you" jungkook laughed nervously as he quickly pulled his new shirt over his head. "oh, it..it's fine..sorry for staring" riah quickly looked towards the floor. "it's hard not too, i get it" jungkook teased. "shut up" zariah shook their head. "can you just turn around please?" jungkook did as they asked as they changed into jin's shirt which was entirely too big for them.

cute jungkook thought as he turned back around. "you'll have to tell me what those tattoos mean one day!" zariah pointed out as she headed towards the door. "sure! and..zariah?" jungkook caught their attention. "yes?" zariah asked as they turned back around. "about last week..i just wanted to apologize again because i truly am sorry. it wasn't right and..it was selfish..i don't know what came over me and i never wanted it to be awkward between us" jungkook confesses. "what about last week?" "the kiss, zariah" "oh! oh, jungkook no, no jungkook i'm sorry. i poured all of that out on you when we' hardly ever spoken. then i asked you to kiss me again then freaked out when you did. that's my bad and i never wanted it to be weird like this either. can we just forget it even happened?" zariah pleaded. "z, never apologize for that, i know we don't talk much but i still consider you my friend and you just got out of a break up, it's perfectly normal to be emotional and confused and as a friend i'm always here for you. and i'd really like to continue our friendship." jungkook said grabbing her hand but quickly unclasping it once he realized what he'd done.

zariah asked him to but he knew he never could forget. he knew that no matter where their friendship were to go, he'd think about that kiss for as long as he lived. he regretted kissing her at that specific time regarding the circumstances, but that kiss had done nothing but ignite the already burning feelings he had for them and he knew keeping her around and closer would only make it more and more insufferable by the day. but he had to, he needed to keep her around. so he will.

the pair finally walked out of jin's room to see everyone just sitting around on the couches or the floor. everyone turning their heads to look at them. "game's over?" jungkook asked. "yeah..namjoon's obliterated and taehyung just left actually" yoongi responded. "left? it's like 9 pm" jungkook squinted. "yeah..he said he forgot about a project being due or something" jin dismissed. "did you guys get cleaned up well?" the two nodded as they went to sit down.

z squeezed herself between val and neves and began to think to herself.
taehyung? project? or did he really leave because he could possibly be jealous? but no, never. not taehyung who had just dumped her without a second thought. not taehyung who was kissing all on random girls the very next day. never.
so she pushed that thought to the back of their head. cuddling up with neves as a random movie zariah did not recognize played on the tv. they must've picked when she was changing.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2023 ⏰

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