eight | never been kissed

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it's a saturday night on campus. jungkook went with his friends to one of the hottest frat parties of the year. he should be having the time of his life. but what is he doing? writing, he's in a random bedroom working on a love song. in fact, love song isn't the right term, more like a love sick song, about of course, zariah.

his friends had practically forced him to go to this party although he wasn't very ecstatic about the idea. they had encouraged him to 'party hard, get drunk, get your dick sucked and get over it' but jungkook ditched that idea soon after he arrived.

he figured the only way he could get over it is if he completed this song. of course, singing it to her would be more efficient but he figured he'd pissed taehyung off surely enough and zariah would definitely find it extremely weird.

he was working on the chorus when boom! somebody busted through the door.

loud sobs quickly filled the room, catching jungkook off guard. he turned his head to see zariah with tears streaming down her face. "fuck, i didn't think anyone was in here, this is fucking embarrassing" they said through choked tears
"zariah? what's wrong?" jungkook worriedly asked as he closed his notebook
"um, it's fine i'll just go home i..i really didn't mean to disturb you. i didn't know you were in here, fuck" zariah said quickly as she reached for the door

"ri? you're not disturbing me. just please come back in here and tell me what's wrong? if you're comfortable with that. please." jungkook said staring at her
"okay..i really don't want to dump this on you but" zariah said slowly turning around
"i said it's fine, i'd rather you tell me then go home like this" jungkook admitted
"okay, well..i don't know if you know yet but..taehyung broke up with me on thursday" zariah's voice was breaking

"what? no, i didn't know that. what happened?" jungkook asked as zariah sat down on the bed
"he..he hadn't kissed me..the entire time we were together, so before the game i finally said something about it and..he rejected me. then after the game he went on this tangent about how maybe he's not ready to be in a relationship? which is fucking crazy because we've been together for months like where is this coming from? and he called it off."

"just because i wanted him to kiss me. aren't couples supposed to kiss? am i in the wrong for wanting my boyfriend to kiss me? and to make it worse, my friends practically force me to come tonight so i can 'get drunk and forget about it' but almost as soon as i get here i see taehyung making out with some random girl- and-" zariah blurted all of that out until she bursted into tears once again.

jungkook didn't exactly know why but he felt the urge to hug her in response.
"i'm so sorry ri, he's a fucking jackass and you didn't deserve this, at all"
"i don't get it, like is there something wrong with me? was he secretly repulsed by me the entire time? was he dating me out of pity or as some inside joke? he couldn't kiss me but locks lips with random girls he just met. it makes no sense" she pondered, crying into jungkook's chest

"i'm so sorry about this..i know we're all friends and it's kind of weird to tell you all of this because we're not super close" zariah apologized
"please don't apologize ri, and friend is honestly pushing it, especially after the game and..after hearing what he's done to you...it puts a bad taste in my mouth, ri" jungkook huffed

"no, i don't want you to think any less of him because of me. it's just like..i just wanted him to kiss me, to want to kiss me. and it to mean something. fuck, it didn't even have to be him..i wanted it to be him but..i- i've never been kissed. i just want to know what it feels like...sorry this is so much, i'm just a fucking mess right now" zariah said sniffling then scoffing at herself.
jungkook's heart was pounding as he stared back at her. he didn't exactly know why, but he felt this strong urge to grant her wish. to be the answer to her question.

"jungkook?" zariah titled her head at his silent stare

he didn't answer with words, but with his actions instead.

he wiped her tears but kept his hand cupping their face. he moved closer to her and placed his lips on hers. it was chaste, but long. they looked at him with a stunned face after pulling away.

"you.." zariah started

"fuck. im sorry i- shit, i dont know what took over me i guess emotions are high and- and now i just took your first kiss that was a dick move. im so sorry its..the way you were looking i just thought- maybe i should go" jungkook blurted out quickly, picking up his things and heading towards the door.
"jungkook! jungkook." zariah said trying to get his attention

he turned his head

"i..i liked it, okay? can you..kiss me again but like..more?" zariah couldn't believe how brave she was being right now
"i mean i, i guess, yeah if that's okay.."
"i would"

he cupped her face once again and pulled her in for a much more serious kiss. he was passionate, but gentle. he knew it was her first time so he did everything he could to guide her. he could not believe what was happening right now.

he first pecked her on the lips, then started opening his mouth, which she was receptive to. his tongue slowly slid into her mouth, causing her to grip his arm for dear life. he titled her head as he began to suck on her tongue, earning a hum from her throat. his touches were soft. his tongue was gentle, as if he wanted to cherish this moment forever and seriously impress her. which was true.

this was everything zariah had wished and hoped for. even if she wanted to kiss taehyung, she just knew he could never kiss them this well.
"mm, okay, can't breathe" zariah said pushing away
a shit eating grin immediately appeared on jungkook's face.

"you think this is funny? you're sick" zariah responded
"are your wishes fulfilled?" jungkook asked flirtatiously
"shut up." zariah scoffed
"you liked it, you moaned into my mouth"
"stop! like seriously, this is embarrassing!..you, you really didn't have to do that..out of pity" zariah pouted
"pity?! i wanted to kiss you, ri"

"yeah but..it didn't mean anything. you were just trying to make me feel better, as a friend"
"i'm not sure if friends do that ri" jungkook laughed
"yeah okay but..you know..it was just an emotional moment and it won't happen again. thank you for your time." zariah said quickly before getting up and walking out the door.

leaving a confused and stunned jungkook.

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