Inside the Mind

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Fungi stopped on the rooftops, hearing no breath or any sign of Theseus on the other end. The others stopped as well, all looking at each other. 

Crap! Why isn't he picking up! 

"Guys! Sewer drain! Now!" They all nodded and quickly executed Fungi's command as Majesty hopped down and rolled into a summersault to break there fall as they landed near the drain, lifting it up off the ground, the others jumping through immediately after. 

Fungi hopped down and spoke to Majesty.

 "Make sure no one follows us. If someone is, I'm leaving it to you to get them off our tail" he ordered, Majesty nodding, Fungi jumping down and landed with a light splash. 

Majesty went last, sliding the cover back over and quickly following behind them.

 They all than ran through the sewer system, not caring about the horrid scent until they eventually made it towards the big drain. They ran through to be met with the bartender, all scanning and clearing themselves then started booking it towards the facility. 

"Everyone! Go smurfs running away from gargamel tactic!" Majesty suddenly yelled, everyone cringing at Theseus's nickname for the formation. 

They all got in a circle back to back and then bolted off into random direction, using their tools or hybrid abilities to flee away quickly and efficiently. Fungi spoke in distorted code. 

"Who's gonna head back to base first?"

 "I'll go on ahead!" Purpled responded, starting to make his way back to the building.

 Majesty knew they were being followed, someone was trying to find the location of their base. This tactic allowed them all to separate and with so many people it would work tremendously as they couldn't follow all of them. 

They just hoped Purpled could get there in time before things got worse.

"Hmm, and here I thought this job would be hard, guess not everyone can live up to the standards..." The brunette spoke as he locked the attic door and barricaded it.

 "Now Theseus, let's have a peak at that mind of yours..."

 Extending his hand out, he sat down in front of him crossing his legs and closing his eyes.

 When he opened his eyes again, he was no longer in the room but rather the mind of his victim. 

Now time to find Theseus himself... he thought as he wandered throughout his mind. 

Seeing a red curtain, he walked over to it and pushed it aside, revealing a big door. A sign was on it that read:

  Do Not Enter. Seriously just don't. Nobody should ever go in another's mind. Like ever. Seriously do not enter.

Rolling his eyes at the message the man opened it anyway and was blinded by the bright lights. Closing his eyes from it and readjusting himself, he opened his eyes again to be met with a strange place. A fantasy land. 

Surprised a bit, he looked around and suddenly the floor began to move.

 Showcasing the entire place with biscuits, cartoon characters, lots of junk food, and even more childish stuff, it really felt like none of it was real.

 Which it wasn't. 

None of this was truly real. 

He had been inside the minds of many other people to know that. This was new though. Every single assassins mind he's ever been in was never like this. 

When Serotonin described him, Theseus was seen as the cold, harsh, and boring type. 

But this was new.

 Never had he seen an assassins mind so carefree and like the mind of a child's. It was such a weird place to be in and yet he felt comforted and somehow relaxed in it. 

Walking further into the place he saw attractions, colorful lights, and even more piles of food along the way. Wandering what felt like hours he eventually found and tiny room tucked away from the rest of the jungle he had tracked through. 

Another sign was placed near it and it read: 

Don't enter this one either, it's bad. 

Grasping the knob, he opened the door and was blinded by another light. 

Once he could see again, the mood of this place contrasted the mood of the other one entirely. The grand was a musty brown with a tint of red shining onto it.

 Confused by the color, he looked behind him and his eyes widened in fear.

 A big sign held up by iron bars read in big black letters:


Bright orange ribbons of destruction twirled and crashed upon the building. It raged as if it was the embodiment of anger itself, tearing through the very structure of the building. No mercy was shone as the crackling of the flames made the interior come crashing down. After the crash though, it became quiet, so quiet. 

He looked around and saw a little figure on the ground curled up in a ball. Slowly stepping towards them, they crept silently until they got in range. A ring grew louder and louder in his ears as he looked at the little kid.

 He had strawberry blonde hair and horrified forever scarred blue eyes.

 Looking into them he felt like he was being stabbed all over his body and fell onto the ground. He felt like his insides were being squeezed like a towel being wringed out. His head felt like a bell chiming, a non-stop ringing forever sounding in his head.

Falling onto the ground, he took uneven, struggled breaths as he gasped for air.

 No sure how to react to the horror he had just felt, he stood up quickly. Shaking as he crept back into the shadows, he vanished retreating back to the lair. 

His mission was complete but there was only one thing running through his mind.

Serotonin must not know the horrors I saw today....

He possessed something that was a rare sight for Sleep Walker.

A wounded inner child.


Right so...its been A WHOLE ENTIRE MONTH!



I wanna apologize for that guys for promising to get it out as soon as possible and taking a whole entire month, Sorry guys! 

Remember, drink plenty of water, eat three meals a day, and get a goodnights sleep, unless you wanna stay up ;)

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