Don't be like Me

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After 10 minutes of no movement whatsoever, both him and Theseus stood up and began heading back to base.

Purpled was incredibly tired but he didn't care and pushed through his aching muscles.

Theseus took note of this and slowed down his pace, allowing Purpled to match is movements and mirror each step he took.

"You should apologize to Punz, he was just trying to defend you after all."
He spoke up, rolling on the rooftop to break his fall.

Purpled just remained quiet.
He wanted to care less about the situation but the guilt inside of him was swelling up by the minute.

He knew all that pent up anger was from other things and he had let it all out onto the one person he confides in.

He bit his lip, feeling his eyes warm up a bit.

"This is none of your business..." he finally responded, landing in front of him, and opening up the drain.

He heaved it open with little struggle and headed in, not batting an eye towards Theseus.

Tommy sighed.

He knew that Purpled didn't really mean it, at least not towards Punz anyway.

But he needed to apologize.

Because in his eyes, Tommy was always too late and he worried the same for his comrade.

"Don't be like me..."

He pleaded under his breath, following him quickly.

It had been another day in the orphanage for Tommy, he had been coloring some pages when a boy in a black and yellow sweater walked up to him.

"Quickly! We gotta get to the cafeteria before they run out of those biscuits you like!"
He urged Tommy, both of them quickly rushing down the halls.

When they arrived at the dining hall, they recognized their tall, lanky friend in line, tilting his head at their arrival.

He waved at them, about to open his mouth but abruptly closing it again.

Tommy waved back, following his friend to their other pal.

"Ay! Ranboo! Mah friend!" He greeted, Ranboo chirping as he replied.

"Where was that response when I came?"
The boy with the yellow and black sweater asked.

"Non-existent, also you dragged me without another word to this place without really allowing me to speak," He answered.

"Are you using one of vocab words we learned today?" He questioned.

"Yep, gotta say Non-existent is a pretty pog word though I prefer pog itself," Tommy said.

As they stood in line, they talked about what they hoped wouldn't happen today, what they would play outside, and if they should go out again.

"Y'know, I kinda feel bad..."
Tubbo began as he took a seat at the table.

"For what?" Tommy asked.

"Y'know for...sneaking out...there trying to protect us and the only really bad thing about this place is that-"

"We haven't left it yet."

Tommy finished, taking a bite out of the biscuit in his hand.

"Yeah, well I mean at least we get to talk to a lot of people, and the foods great! We also get to color and learn like any normal kid!"
He tried arguing.

A couple of muttered chirps could be heard under Ranboo's breath but Tommy and Tubbo had yeah both learned how to speak Ender so they were able to pick up his chatter.

"I agree Ranboob, what's the point in all that if you can never feel whole?" He asked and scarfed down the biscuit in his hand.

He remembered how vaguely they talked about such topics, being only children they just spoke whatever was on their mind without a second thought.

They weren't cautious, they were reckless with their mouths and it definitely still stuck with him a bit in his teenage years.

Still didn't beat puberty in his opinion though.

What happened to the daily conversations and laughter among them?

What happened to the trio?

But more importantly...

How did it all add up to the Theseus we know now?


Technically those last few sentences are like teachers making you think about what you think a passage is going to be about but I don't care how it sounds or feels like anymore.

Gonna be posting some more chapters for this story over the weekend cause I feel motivated.
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

Remember, drink plenty of water, eat three meals a day, and get a goodnights sleep, unless you wanna stay up ;)

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