The weird encounter (1)

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"FUCK YEAH, I'd say that was a job well done." Blitz says walking out from the portal towards his desk.

"To be specific sir..You almost got us killed by a lumberjack." Moxxie says following behind him with Millie along his side.

"Well we're alive ain't we Mox?" Blitz says while going through some stuff in one of his drawers.

"Judging from your details, I'd say the assassination was good..?" I interrupted.

Blitzo looked up, "Oh right, you. The rookie..And yes it was great. Like always. And then started digging around again.

"Ah hah! There you guys are!," Blitzo says holding up a stack of flyers. "What do you guys think of these?"

"Sir, If you're tending to hang up those flyers around the town for advertisement, they'll be useless." Moxxie shares.

"Nonsense! I was gonna make you do the job but I bet y/n would be the perfect person!" Blitz says looking at me.

"Me? Why me?" I ask.

"Ok well maybe not the perfect person but I need you to do something around here." Blitz says.

"Well..I guess?" I say.

"Good! Now hurry up and get the flyers and get out." Blitz says.


"Ow!" I exclaimed. Hammering is the worse when you're shaky. I could've at least have Loona with me so that way I won't get jumped.

After a little while, a beautiful flyer was hanged up! And only lots more to do around the town..ugh

(Another timeskip)

Oh my god, I'm finally down to my last one. But hey, at least I didn't get jumped throughout hanging like 132 flyers.

My final location is the club. Man..This place is for whores, it's too wild for me.

But at least it's just across from me, so I could just get this over with.

I start crossing the road until some weird noise was in the distance. I (stupidly) stopped in the middle of the road.

Where's that noise coming from..I look left to right.

Well I definitely don't wanna find out.

I cross the road speeding up my walk.

I think it's good being on the sidewalk..Welp, time to finish my task.

I walk towards the club parking lot and towards the utility post.

I start hammering the flyer when the weird sound from earlier was closer.

I turn back towards the road, only to see a pinkish convertible blasting loud pop music going over like 80 mph.

I guess that was the noise from earlier. Well I'd better hurry up before I deal with that person. Unless I'm lucky and they just drive past the club.

I pick up the pace on hammering until I hit my finger again.

"Ow! God dammit not again." I Mutter. Well this is great, my fingernail is bruised.

At least it doesn't compare to my other injuries.

Just suddenly, a hand was placed on my shoulder.

"Hey what the hell?!" I say quickly turning around.

"Oh sorry, I'm just curious what this flyer is~." A woman said removing her hand.

"Yeah well you could've just walked up to me instead of behind me, like a normal person." I scoffed.

"Normal person? I'm not like you peasants. Now move out of the way." She said pushing me away.

"Can you not?" I exclaimed while catching my balance.

"Hm, so you work for Imp huh?" She said looking at me.

"Yeah so what?" I said.

"And I'm guessing your boss's name is Blitzo?" She said walking up to me.

"How do you even know that?" I say walking back.

"Well I have a message for your shitty boss." She said still walking towards me.

I still walked back until I hit the wall. Great.

"Thanks for the parking space. Bitch" She whispered into my ear.

She then turned and walked back towards the club and then stopped?

"You might wanna get that finger checked sweetheart~, it usually doesn't swell up as much" She said and then started walking again.

I wanted to blurt out that she can mind her fucking business but oh well.

Time to deliver that message.

Verosika Mayday x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now