The beginning (7)

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I woke up from the sound of my alarm

Since we leave in the afternoon, we'd get to sleep in.

Blitz thinks the flyers I hanged up could work. Well it's been 2 or 3 days since that. So he didn't really think we have to advertise more since the flyers would do all the work.

I looked at the time and it was 11:20 am.

Im bored to write yourself getting ready so you know the drill. You shower, get dressed, do your routine in the bathroom. AND BY ROUTINE, I MEAN MAKE-UP, BRUSHING TEETH AND ALL THAT.

Time: 12:04

Maybe I should give the thin black jacket a chance.

It'll help with the tank top I guess.

I check if I have everything on me. Phone, keys, Blitzo's pistol, and that's probably it.

I walk out the door and go downstairs into the parking lot.

Wait, now that I think of it. He didn't exactly tell me if he'll pick me up or not. And if he is, he didn't even say what time.

I know walking could be a choice, but I'll just see if he's picking me up first.

"Hey, I was wondering if you were gonna pick me up, you didn't mention it last night." I texted Blitz.

Hm, I guess while I wait, I'll just have a head start. In case he doesn't have time.

I walk up to the gas station and check my phone.

"Oh yeah, well we're sorta discussing the plan right now. Sooo, better get your ass here. Make it before 12:15"

Oh now he tells me.

I check the time, well that was 2 minutes wasted of waiting for him.

At least I don't get tired as easily when sprinting.

Time skip BC IM BOREDD.

Time: 12:12 am.

Glad I was right. Not even huffing and puffing. Those sport practices paid off when I was alive. (lol)

(I guess you were playing sports for your college?)

*Skip time into Blitz' office bc I don't know how I'm supposed to put all that😞*

I was standing in front of his office door. Tempted to look behind. But, it looks like my romance life can wait.

I open the door.

Millie, Moxxie, Loona, and Blitz we're all there.

But, it looks like I interrupted the bossman on his presentation or something.

"Took you long enough." Blitz says as he turned around.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe I should've gotten informed that I wasn't going to be picked up by the person who picks me up daily?" I blurt out.

Blitz puts up his finger about to counter my statement, but he stops himself to say, "Fine Fine, my fault. I get it."

I smile and walk down the table to sit in a seat.

It's so short, I know but I don't wanna explain Blitzo's presentation if you guys alr know the plan? 🙁

Verosika Mayday x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now