(Idk a Title) (4)

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I woke up..looked to my right, too see that it was 6:03 a.m.

I look to my left, to see Verosika still sleeping.

I can still remember everything...I guess I should've taken Blitz' advice since I'm basically her puppet now.

I get out of the covers and start the water in the bathtub.

*After like uh 27 minutes*

Wait where's my shirt, hm I must've forgot it in the bedroom.

I walk out of the bathroom and into the bedroom to see if the shirt is in the closet.

"Aww..You look cute in a bra and cargo pants." Verosika said sleepily.

I turned around to see her already sat up and rubbing her eyes.

"Go back to sleep or something." I say going back to searching.

"Lookin' for something?" Verosika asked smirking.

"Just my long sleeve crop top.." I say.

"Oh this one?" Verosika said.

I turned around to see her holding up what I was looking for.

"Yes, now hand me it..Please?" I say holding out my hand.

"This looks comfy, I think I'll just hold on to it!" She said hugging it.

"I need it for work! Actually you know what. Forget it. I don't have time." I say annoyed looking through my closet for another top.

While searching through again, I see a white tank top. It's kinda cute with some design on it.

Maybe this could work. I take off the top off the hanger and put it on.

"Ok, so rate it." I say to Verosika.

"Cute! Like always.~" She replied seductively.

"That wasn't much of a help considering you'd just say that, no matter how many outfits I try on." I say getting my stuff ready.

Before I exited the bedroom, I looked to Verosika. She gave me a weird look. But whatever.

"Blitz is supposed to pick me up, and second, don't wear my black top. They'll know it's mine." I say.

"They can't be that smart to know the difference." She said.

"Still, don't wear it. It's just weird." I say before exiting.

I walk downstairs and then wait in the parking lot waiting for Blitz.

I check my phone to see that it was 6:47.

Hopefully he doesn't forget about me again.

After awhile, Blitz picked me up after like 2 minutes. Not that long of a wait I guess.

*time skip bc I cant come up with anything*

"So y/n, what's with the new shirt? You're always wearing that Kim possible shit." Blitzo asked me while we were walking inside.

"Oh, well I was just thinking it was time for a new look. I'm just tired of being Kim you know?" I say avoiding making eye contact with him.

After some silence, Moxxie finally spoke up. "I've been thinking about something y/n but, is that a hickey on your neck?"

Wait what?! Oh damn that woman. I didn't even notice it. Now I have to think of something.

"Oh uh this?" I say pointing to it.


"Some hobo Just came up to me." I say.

We then entered inside the elevator.

"And you just let it happen? I never thought you were weak y/n." Blitz said snickering.

"No! No. There were..uh other guys! Yeah. Other people. Like 2 of them." I say nervously.

"So 2 friends of the hobo held you down and the hobo gave you a hickey?" Millie asks confused.

"That's about it." I reply with an awkward smile.

"Huh. Well noted. Y/N can't handle 3 guys at once." Blitz said.

"That's kinda weird how you put it..But I could've handled them! I just..uh. Let it happen?" I say.

Everyone looked at me weirded out.

"Well that's noted too. Y/N has a kink that we now know of." Blitz said facing forward again.

Once the elevator stopped, Blitz stepped closer to me when Millie and Moxxie stepped out.

"Don't feel ashamed y/n, Moxxie likes getting pegged by Millie. I have a video of it if you have a kink of that also." Blitzo says elbowing me with a smile.

"Seriously? But no, I'd rather die than see that." I say sarcastically. I walk out of the elevator to join Millie and Moxxie.

But before I enter his office, I could hear footsteps running behind me. "Whatever you say rookie. This vid is a one time offer!" Blitz says catching up.

"No thanks. Go post it on your account of something." I say before walking away from him.

Verosika Mayday x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now