The Famous Popstar (2)

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"Now Mox, don't destory my precious new eels again." Blitz said as I walked in through the door.

"Hey Blitz? I need to talk or uh deliver a message to you or something." I said awkwardly.

Blitz turned to me and said, "A message? Is it from Stolas? Tell him that was just a one night thing." Blitzo said.

"No- Wait what?" I said confused.

"Never mind forget what I said. Who was this anonymous person y/n?" He asked.

"If I'm being honest, I don't know." I said.

"WHAT, well ok describe this person." Blitz said walking towards his eels.

"Um, a woman that's annoying, dresses like a whore, and has a pink convertible?"

"Are you fucking kidding me?! God dammit not her again!" Blitz said looking at me.

"Uh sir, who are you so worried about?" Moxxie said joining in.

"Nothing nothing, go back to doing shit with Millie or something." Blitz said still looking at me.

"Well this is awkward.." I thought.

"What was her message?" Blitz asks me.

"Thanks for the parking spot, bitch?" I say.

"Oh fuck, MY PARKING SPACE." Blitzo says running out the door.

I glance at the door, "Should we follow him?" I ask.

"Yeah I guess." Moxxie says.

"Oh! I'll come with you guys!" Millie says joining.

"I'll just stay here." Loona says typing on her phone.

"Well then let's go." I say.


We all enter out the main door only to see Blitzo arguing with a woman.

It's that same one from earlier. How weird.

We walked up them while Blitzo yelled, "You towed my van?! What the hell?!"

"It was in the way, how else would I park here?" The woman responded.

She then took a sip of some drink.

"This parking space belongs to my company you bitch." Blitzo says.

"Woah woah, sir? You know Verosika Mayday?" Moxxie asks surprised.

"Oh yeah her? We dated." Blitzo says looking towards Moxxie.

And then Blitzo went back to arguing again.

"Who's she?" I asked.

"You don't know Verosika Mayday??" Millie asked me.

"No?" I replied.

"She's a famous pop-star! You seriously don't know her or ever heard of her?" Moxxie explained and asked.

"No again." I said.

"Have you been living underground all these years?" Moxxie asked.

"No! I just don't find celebrities interesting. That's all." I say.

Verosika suddenly looked my way and smiled.

"You're that girl from earlier," She said walking towards me. "Get that wound checked?"

Oh damn it, seriously? Again?

Before she could get any closer, Blitz got in front of me.

"You will not do shit to my employees." He said.

"I'm just taking a look~" Verosika said.

She winked at me and walked towards the main doors.

"I saw that, bitch! Don't you ever lay a finger on my employees!" Blitzo yelled as she entered the building.

She flipped him off before the doors closed. I also sneaked a quick glance. Maybe she's kinda hot..

"Now y/n, from experience, Verosika is a drunk, seductively whore who'll do anything to get what she wants. My advice? Don't catch feelings for her." Blitz says blowing me away from my thoughts.

He then goes on and on about how she is in a relationship.

"Uh sir? Just to be sure again, you actually dated Verosika Mayday?" Moxxie asks interrupting him.

"My god Moxxie, how many times do we gotta repeat it?" Blitz says.

"Okaay sir, never gonna ask again." Mox said.

"Could I say something?" Millie asks.

Before Blitz could answer, Millie says "How was she during sex?"

"Millie!" Moxxie says weirded out.

Now this is just weird..I'm leaving, I can't imagine this.

I go back into the building to go to Blitz' office.

Once I was on the floor, loud pop music was coming from the other office.

Oh gee, I definitely don't know who this could be.

I walk up to Blitzo's office, but it was locked.

I tried to let Loona know I needed in but she didn't even take one glance on who it could be.

Well, I guess I have to wait until Blitz comes up.

I lean against the wall and go on my phone.


It's been 10 minutes and Blitzo still hasn't come up? What even is he doing..

Blitzo POV:
"Yeah I'll have the number 1.

"Uh shouldn't we be worried about y/n sir? Mox asked me.

"I'm sure she already noticed we left." I replied.

"What if she might think her shift is still going?" Mox asked again.

"Don't worry, Loona would've told her already." I said.

They've been gone for too long, I'm just going home.

I start making my way towards the elevator.

But I'm curious about Verosika..Maybe I'll just pay her one visit.

I start walking towards Verosika's office instead.

I don't know..I should just go to the elevator instead. Or maybe just go.

Actually, just fuck it.

I knock on her door.

I don't think I should've done this, I should make a run for it. I still have a chance.

Nervously waiting, someone answers the door. But it wasn't her.

"Hey Vero! You know this person?" The man says laughing.

Verosika now shows up, "Oh~ Why yes I do.  What brings you here sweetie~?"

"I just need a talk, privately." I say flustered.

"You heard her guys..private."

She closes the door behind her and asks, "So? What is it?"

"I don't like the names, it makes me uncomfy."I say.

"Is that it darling~?"

"I just said..? Ok fine, if you can't stop saying the names, stop with the flirts." I say. "It's starting to get distracting"

"Whatever you say rabbit." She said.

Ugh, I just said enough with the nicknames.

"Well that's all I wanted to state." I said, "So, I'll be on my way."

I speed walk towards the elevator.

Before the doors close, I could see that she flipped me off with a smirk.

So I returned the compliment.

But I think her smirk faded away, maybe she was just joking?

Imagine if her bodyguards came after me because she was too sensitive.

Verosika Mayday x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now