The Excellent Plan (5)

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"Ok people!" Blitz yelled on the microphone. "Spring break is a day away from here!"

"Sir! It's not necessary to use a microphone when we're in a small room!" Moxxie yelled while covering his ears.

"Shut the fuck up Moxxie, I'm trying to do a presentation." Blitz said looking directly at him.

Before Blitz began talking again, he threw the microphone to the side. I'm not sure if it was because of Moxxie or just because Loona was covering her ears also. Maybe just because of Loona.

"Now, as we know, that bitch Verosika has taken my FUCKING parking space." Blitz said walking back and fourth.

"And you must be wondering, what plan have you come up with boss?"

"Uhh, not really." Loona said looking up from her phone.

"Now sweetie, don't interrupt your father when he's working." Blitz said somehow being next to her.

"I hate when you call me that.." She growled.

"Now! Back to this." Blitz said returning back to his board.

"My plan is to make a BET! That's right! A bet! I think that we can off people more than they can fuck by the end of the day!" He says proudly.

"Sir," Moxxie says cutting in, "I don't think that's a good idea."

"Moxxie, what did I fucking say about shutting, UP?" Blitz said

Moxxie just looked at him annoyed.

"Now back to the plan! Or uh, that's it. Anyways time to do the step 1 of the plan!" Blitz says going towards the door.

I looked towards his direction before he left.

"Uh, you guys coming?" I ask before getting up.

"No, I'm too embarrassed already by him" Loona said.

"Meh." Moxxie said.

"Well I guess it's just me?" I say.

I walk towards the door and exit.

When I was in the hallway, it was sorta loud. Not from the music like always, but from Blitz' voice. He probably brought his microphone along with him.

I enter Verosika's office to see Verosika covering her ears annoyed by Blitz' loud voice.

When the door creaked, He turned to me and said "Oh y/n! I was just starting to get lonely!"

Verosika turned towards me and also said, "Oh look! The rabbit came along too~!

"I'm not a rabbit. Stop calling me that!" I say out of anger.

"Watch your temper~" Some guy behind me said.

He grabbed my arms.

"Oh c'mon, can I go one day without being touched?" I rolling my eyes.

"Hey! You drop her now! No one treats my employees shitty except me!" Blitz said to the man behind me.

"She's been through a lot. She explained to me that 3 guys jumped her and touched her. She doesn't need to go through that again! So she probably..." And then he went on and on.

I noticed that Verosika looked at me.

I shake my head trying to be in denial, I don't see why these guys need to be informed about my fake story.

"And that's all." Blitz said ending his long talk.

Verosika looked like she was shocked before she started speaking. " Well that's a bit personal. Don't you think Blitzo?" She said with a smile.

"Well that's why I don't think she need another hickey. Especially from you whores." Blitz said crossing his arms.

She looked at me again knowing she had gave me one too.

I wanted to cover my face but my arms are being held by a guy, so the best I could do is just look down on the ground.

"Blitz, you did NOT have to tell them all that." I say still looking at the ground embarrassed.

"Well I'm just looking out for my precious rookie!" Blitz says walking up to me with some sort of sweet eyes.

"Now, let go of my sweet innocent employee you washed up dickhead." He said to the guy behind me.

After like 1 minute, he finally let go of me.

"I would say thanks but considering the circumstances, no thanks." I say to the guy.

Blitz then turned to Verosika, "Now let's just put this all behind us," He said with a smile. "I challenge you to a bet! Or actually that didn't come out right. I propose a bet! Yeah that sounds a little better."

"Hmph. So you wanna play a game? What's the game then? She asked.

"I bet that you bitches can't fuck, as many people as many as we can off, at the end of the day tomorrow !" Blitz says smiling.

And then they all start laughing at him.

After a good 5 seconds of laughing, Verosika says "Oh~You're serious!"

He probably made it seem serious but I dunno since I'm behind him.

She then walked up to him and got in front of her face. "Game on, bitch."

"Well that's settled," Blitz said pushing her face away. "C'mon y/n, let's go and tell everyone the great news!"

Before he leaves, he waits for me at the door.

Not sure why he's being kind or stuff, he's usually a dick all the time.

After Blitz steps out, I get pulled aside by the SAME FUCKING GUY.

After he noticed, "Hey! Now wait just a-"

The door slammed on his face.

"Hey ' ', go turn up the music." Verosika said.

One of her friends or whatever did what she asked.

"Now rabbit, I don't appreciate you fucking around with other people~." Vero said walking up to me.

"It was just a story to cover up the ACTUAL one, and I also don't appreciate you thinking I'm just your doll." I say trying not to make eye contact with her.

"You're not just my only one, Now how would I put this! Let's just say I have a doll collection." She says putting her arms around my shoulders.

"You're just my favorite doll to play with!"

"Go fuck yourself." I say. Of course I knew she was a hooker, but I was just blinded.

"Don't act up rabbit~," she says lifting my chin up with her finger. "You know I can always visit you."

"Fuck off!" I say.

I try getting out of her arms. Am I just weak? Or I'm just tired..

"Fine, we can always finish this later." Vero said before letting go of me.

That caused me to lose my balance and fall onto the ground.

Everyone started laughing..

I quickly get up and exit through the door.

"Oh y/n! There you are. Did that bitch touch you? Oh man I should've warned to you that she gets like that!" Blitz said.

"I'm fine. It's okay. I'm okay." I say softly. I don't know how to feel. Sad or angry.

Well I'm not sad just because she saw other people, just by the thought I was humiliated by a group of people. And the same reason is why I'm angry..

"Well, Uhm..Lets just go into my office and discuss what we're gonna do tomorrow." Blitz said confused and happy at the same time.

Verosika Mayday x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now