The Weird World (8)

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(Major timeskip happened jus so yk😜)

The group jumped into a portal that formed on the floor. And from where I'm seeing, it looks like they survived.

3rd person POV or wtv:
"Alright, I'd say that was a great landing. Don't ya think Mox?" Blitz said.

But Moxxie was on the ground laying flat on his back, "Not at all sir", and then Millie came to his aid.

Blitz then started to look around. "Hey y/n, where are ya?"

They all started to look around, maybe looking for me?

Finally Loona looked up and said "Well what are you waiting for?"

Her voice sounded very faint and distorted, but I still caught what she said.

"Uhh, I think I'll stay behind. For you know, customers." I said back.

Blitz then butted in, "We discussed this plan together, and that plan involved you!"

He was right. My part of this spring break plan was to sabotage Verosika's thing while they go kill or something like that.

"Okay Okay, just give me a minute. It's my first time going through a portal to a weird world!" I said backing up.

My palms were sweaty, what if the portal closes with me in between it? I would be split in half!

Blitz POV:
"Its been a minute already!" I yelled to y/n.

"Sir, it's only been 34 seconds." Moxxie said.

I then faced him. "Just shut up Mox."

Suddenly, I heard a thud following with, "Holy shit dude."

It was y/n.

"Oh my god that was crazy!" I said while sitting up.

Blitz walked up to me, "Looks like you and Moxxie fell the same way."

"Seriously?" I asked before snickering quietly, "And you've done this how many times now?

Moxxie looked annoyed already, so it seems like Blitz messed with him before I got here.

I then got up, dusting off my clothes that was covered with some weird terrain. (It's sand but you guys don't know what it is, unless??)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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