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It was the next morning, and so far this day has been pretty bad. I slept awful last night, forgot my homework at home, I am freezing cold because I misplaced my sweater, and Kayla is driving slow which is making us late for work. I would say this day couldn't get any worse but I don't want to jinx it.

"Kayla, I need you to pick up speed or I am jumping out of this car." I grip onto the door handle.

"You're the one that decided to ride with me. That's a you problem." She says as she pulls into a parking lot.

"Trust me, if it wasn't negative 15° outside I would be walking." I scoff.

"Why didn't you just have your dumb boyfriend drive you?" She smirks.

I roll my eyes. "He's running late... and he's not my boyfriend!"

"Kamryn, I'm your older sister. I know when someone has a crush." She parks the car.

"He doesn't like me like that." I mumble.

"So you admit it." She quirks a brow. "You like Will!" She teases.

"I- Shut up!" I scoff as I exit the car.

When we get inside I greet the dogs and get to work. Kayla however, does not.

"I don't know why you're so awkward around boys, Kam. You're the second hottest girl in this small town. Me being the first, obvi." She rests a hand on her chest.

"Don't be so cocky." I warn as I start the mop water.

"Confident not cocky." She says.

"Well I am confident that you'll look great mopping this floor." I smile as I hold the mop out.

She throws me a glare. "Smooth." She grabs the mop from me and gets to work.

I watch her grimace as she mops the dirty floor. "Is that pee?" She asks. I walk over to a corner of the room.

"Nope looks like some vile that came from the inner beings of Donald." I tease, making her gag and whine. I laugh at her reaction.

I got a little too tickled about it, I ended up slipping and falling backwards. "Ouchies." I hiss. I hear the bell above the door ring, I look up and see Will standing over me.

"As I suspected, there's not much work going on here." He shakes his head in disappointment. He holds a hand out and pulls me up.

"Says the guy who showed up late." I laugh.

Will gives me a challenging look. "You're one to talk."

"I'll be getting to work now." I sigh before walking behind the counter.

He rests his arms on the counter and whispers to me. "Keep up this behavior and you'll be bathing the bloodhound again." My jaw drops as he snickers.

The bell rings again, in walks Sam and Dink. Will backs off and greets them.

"What's up, dude? I didn't know you had a twin brother." Sam lazily punches the air beside Will.

𝐎𝐍 𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐃 9 | 𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐃Where stories live. Discover now