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"Class dismissed." Thank God. This has been the longest day and I'm just ready for it to be over with. I head to my locker and throw my books in, I lean down to grab my sweater but a conversation between Kayla, Pia, and Linds catch my attention.

"I say you make a move." Pia shakes Kayla's arm. "Nick Swift is a jerk and if you make it seem like you and Will Cloud are a thing then he'll totally getjealous."

My blood boils. I don't know what makes me more mad the fact that Pia would even suggest this or the fact that my sister contemplated her answer.

"I don't know..." Her face scrunches up. "Something just doesn't seem right about that."

More like everything. Putting the fact that I like Will to the side, She shouldn't play with someone's feelings or emotions like that. It's not right.

"He would just be a temporary rebound." She shrugs. "It's not like you have to kiss him or anything."

I slam my locker shut earning a few looks from my classmates. I quickly head to my car before I blow a fuse and murder my sister and her friends. My hands shake as I stick my keys in the ignition. I probably should calm down before I try to drive but I mean what's the worst that can happen?

"Woah!" Someone pats the back of my car. I slam on my breaks, I glance up at my rear view mirror. Will stands there holding his hands up. "What are you doin?" I put my car in park and get out.

"What?" I spit hatefully. I hear whimpering. I look down to see Donald laying on his back. "Donald?! No!" I drop down and rub his belly. He doesn't budge. "Lovely! On top of everything, I'm a dog killer!"

Will shakes his head and pats his legs. "Come on, boy. Come here." Donald rolls back onto his feet, and jumps into his arms. He scratches his chin and looks back at me, a stupid little smirk dances on his lips.

"He was faking." I state, Will nods in response. "He just played Roadkill on me." This is something Donald did a lot but I guess I was so caught up in my emotions I forgot.

"I tried to tell you. He's got a sick sense of humor." He nods his head towards my car. "Can I hitch a ride? It's chilly today and it's bad on the joints."

"You can." I look to Donald. "You however, can not."

"Oh come on now." He puckers his bottom lip out. That look always makes me crack. I roll my eyes and they follow me into my car.

"So what's going on with you?" He asks as we settle into my car. "You seem like you're on edge today."

My face turns red as I think about what Pia said. "It's nothing." I mumble as I back out of my parking place.

"It's definitely something." He shifts closer to me, leaning his elbow on the arm rest. I don't give him an answer at first. "I'm your best friend, Kammie. I know what I'm talking about."

I lick my lips. "I just overheard a conversation. But I don't want to talk about it right now." Or ever for that matter.

"Okay. I get that." He nods. "I was think that we could take the dogs out tonight."

"After Kayla and I'd last run in with the dogs." I shiver as I think about the nasty dog water and that freakin mountain I got dragged up. "I doubt that she'd enjoy that."

He smirks at me."Who ever said that Kayla was invited?"


"Did it ever occur to you people that the dogs might be less depressed if this place was, like, less depressing?" Kayla grimaces at our wall decor.

"What are you on about?" I roll my eyes as I write out labels. I finally remembered them.

"You seriously haven't noticed it's a little blah in here?"

"We don't really have the money to make it less blah." Will says.

"It doesn't take a lot of money to have a whole lot of style. I found this pair of vintage tortoise shell sunglasses in a thrift store last week for 15 bucks. I mean, they can retail upwards of 500."

What language is she speaking?

"Sorry, I think I actually fell asleep in the middle of your story." Will give her a pity smile.

"Ha ha." She rolls her eyes. "I'm just saying you guys would probably have a whole lot more customers if this place were a little classier."

I bite the inside of my cheek as I take a good look at the kennel. "She might have a point. It's a bit bland."

"Appearances aren't everything." Will suggests.

"Says the boy covered in dog hair." I mumble, making him throw a glare at me.

"Hasn't this been your whole problem? That you've been appearing to win all these trophies without actually deserving them?" He turns back to Kayla. "What's under the surface is more important. I take substance over style any day."

"Okay. So let's make a deal." She steps closer to him. "I'll help you make this place look better on the outside if you help me show people that there's more to me than what they see on the surface."

"And how would I do that?"

"Train me to compete in Fire and Ice." Kayla smiles hopefully. Will and I exchange a look before we spiral into a giggling fit.

"Good one, Kay." She gives me an unamused look.

He clears his throat."You're joking, right?"

"Listen to me, it's all about potential. I mean, I know that I'm not the champion snowboarder that I thought I was,"

"Not even close." I cut her off.

"-but with some coaching and some really hard work, I think I can win a medal that I actually deserve." She finishes, ignoring my comment. "And I know this place may look really shabby now, but I think I can turn it into something really special. -We all win." Gee how inspiring.

Will shakes his head. "I'm not a coach." He tries to walk off.

"Oh, come on!" She groans. "I heard you with your friends. You know your stuff."

He whips his head around. "The last time I rode, I tore a tendon in my knee, shattered my ankle and collapsed my lung." He gulps. "I almost died."

"Yeah, but you're all better now, right?"

"This conversation's over." He grabs the leashes and beckons me over.

"I saw your video." She says making him pause. "To be as good as you were, you have to really love it. And if you love it that much, you can't just walk away-"

"Kayla-" I warn.

"We'll be back shortly. Just follow the list on the counter." Will drags me out the door.

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