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"So just because one thing happened one time-"

"I almost died!" Will exclaims.

"Exactly! Key word: Almost! You're seriously gonna lock yourself up in your house for the rest of your life?" I know I'm being hard on him. But I know he can do it if he'll just shake this fear off.

"Last I checked Kammie, you won't snowboard either." He points out.

I scoff as I make the dog sled come to a halt. "That's different and besides the point." I look to Will. "I know you're scared to do it." He opens his mouth but i shush him. "I know you're a man and you don't like admitting thing because it's weird and gross."

"Get to the point!" He groans.

"The point is that I know you know there's a chance that we could win that whole thing." I look to some slopes. "Even if we didn't win... Wouldn't it be great to do it all again? Like old times."

"Oh yeah I definitely want to risk my life again. 10/10 would recommend." He replies sarcastically.

"Will." I give him a serious look making him roll his eyes at me. But he gives me his full attention. "You and I both know that all of that was an accident. It happens. I know that doesn't make it any less scary. But if you were to get back out there, the chances of something like that happening again are super-low."

He ponders for a moment. "Look, even if I did agree to train Kayla, she doesn't have a team."

I hear yelling and some more commotion behind us. I smirk to myself. "Oh I've got her a team."

"Sam and Dink?" Will quirks a brow at me.

"Yes! They have experience, they have technique, and they're all we got!" I glance at their gear. "But Kayla will have her opinions about the team uniforms."

He stares out at his friends, giving some real thought to it. "I don't know, Kammie..." Will sighs.

I grab his hand and tug it lightly. "I know you can do it, Will! Don't let your talent go to waste just because you're scared." I whisper. He chews on his lip, staring at our hands.

"Fine I'll train them." He gives in, making me squeal and hug his neck.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I'm becoming more like Kayla everyday. Gross.

"On one condition." He pulls me back a bit, keeping a grip on my sides. "You've got to compete."

I let my arms fall to my sides. "What? That wasn't a part of any deal! It wasn't even discussed!"

"We're not discussing this. Because you're doing it no matter what." He shrugs.

"What makes you think I would?" I scoff.

He smirks before whispering in my ear. "Cause you always do what I say." My face starts turning a bright shade of red. He backs away from me when the boys ride up beside us.

"What's up, guys!" I completely zoned out when I look up to see someone back on the half-pipe. I don't know who it is but they are pretty good.

"Go, Team Swift!" Oh no.

"Looks like they didn't waste much time replacing Kayla." I cringe. "She's going to be so mad." The girl chats with the Swift team. "Who is that?"

"Skye Sailor." Sam responds. Still don't know who she is. "She's with Pro Ice in Aspen. I've heard she's never lost."

"Lovely." I sigh.

Will pats my shoulder. "Don't stress it. You'll beat her."

"You think so?" I look up at him.

"Wait what did I miss?" The boys have a very confused look on their faces.

"Kamryn and Kayla's gonna join your team, and I'm gonna coach you guys."

"No way that's awesome!" Sam laughs before turning real serious. "You mean you're gonna coach Kayla. Right? Because, I mean, we all know that I don't need coaching. You know? 'Cause I'm the best ever."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." I slap his back.


"It's perfect!" Kayla squeals. We all traveled to my house to tell Kayla the news. She seems very excited."But obviously we'd need to have a serious discussion about team uniforms but I have some ideas." She grimaces at the thought of the boy's uniforms.

"I can't imagine you being serious enough to compete." Will shakes his head.

Kayla scoffs. "Excuse you!"

"He's kind of got a point, Sis. I mean you do spend more time styling outfits than working on board technique." I point out.

"That is not fair, because styling comes naturally to me." She takes in a deep breath. "But it's fine. I can change."

"We'll see about that." Will glances at his watch. "Oh gee look at the time. Guess I better get going." He quickly waves at Kayla before nodding at me. "Care to walk me out, Kamryn?"

"Sure." I lead him out the door. He stands with his hands on his hips. "Now are you sure about this? Cause we can always change our minds."

"Don't worry. Unlike most people, I'm not going to give into fear." I cross my arms over my chest. "Though it's very tempting."

"Well I will see you at school." He pulls down on my beanie, covering my eyes. I swat his hand away and by the time I get it off my eyes he's already halfway down the driveway.


No joke I wrote this in 45 'minutes. Sorry if it's awful😭

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