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"Where'd Kayla go?" Will asks.

"She wouldn't say." I place my feet on my board as I wait to head down the half pipe. "I think she's mad."

"In a crazy way or the angry way?" He asks.

I shrug. "Both."

"I can't believe she wants to learn the Cloud 9." He shakes his head.

"She just wants to impress Dad. You'd want to try something crazy if you're parents said you were untalented." I crouch down a pick at the snow.

"He said that?" Will snaps. I sigh before starting down the half pipe. I successfully make it through my run and meet Sam and Dink at the bottom.

"Leaving him behind as usual I see." Dink laughs.

I glance back at Will who is making his way back down. "Yeah well it's not my fault he won't ride. I've practically begged him."

"And he's still not riding?" Sam lifts his brows. "There's no hope then."

"What's that suppose to mean?" I chuckle.

"He loves you, Kam." Sam says making my breath hitch. "Practically worships the ground you walk on. If he said no to you, then there is no hope."

"Technically he said he'd think about it." I inform them.

"Nice run, Kammie!" Will calls as he approaches us.

"Thanks." I smile. "Little sloppy on the last bit but I'll get it perfect."

"Yo! Check it out!" I turn to see a crowd gathered by the TV.

"What's going on over there?" I ask.

"Someone is snowboarding down Tyson's Peak." Dink shrugs.

"What?!" Will and I both exclaim. "There is no way!" I run over to the screen and Dink is right.

Wait a minute.

I hear Will gulp. "Is that-"

"Kayla?!" My jaw drops.

What on earth is she thinking? She could get killed out there. It's so dangerous.

"Why would they let her do that?!" I gasp for air.

"Yo, Kamryn!" I glance over to see Skye. "What is your sister thinking? If she wanted to drop out of the competition she could've just said so. She doesn't have to end things this way."

"Shut up!" I spit. Will grabs me making sure I don't pounce on her. I turn to look at him. "Just let me at her. Just this once."

"And get you kicked out of Fire and Ice? No way." He shakes his head.

Everyone gasps making me look back at the screen. She's at the edge of the peak and that's when the ice breaks. My stomach drops and I look to Will.

"W-We gotta save her. She's gonna get herself killed out there." I whisper.

He nods. "Come on! I know what we can do."


"Come on, Donald, we don't have much time." Will yells. He grabs his shovel and starts digging. Kayla is no where to be seen. She's under the snow.

"She can't breathe under the snow right?" I feel like I'm hyperventilating. "Kayla! Kayla, where are you?" I continue to call for her name but there's nothing. Then Donald starts sniffing, in the same spot he starts to dig.

𝐎𝐍 𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐃 9 | 𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐃Where stories live. Discover now