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"Come on, Kayla! We can't let him get to us!" I call after her, my voice cutting through the tension that lingers in the air.

"Girls," I pause when I hear my dad's voice, a mixture of exhaustion and regret coloring his tone.

"Dad?" we say simultaneously, a reflex honed through years of shared experiences. Twin things, I guess, even in moments like these.

"I owe you both an apology." He sighs, his gaze heavy with remorse. "When I saw you two up there tonight, I realized how much I'd underestimated you both. I'm sorry for that. It's just... You two have always been my little girls. But tonight I realized you've really grown up. I couldn't be more proud of you."

Kayla, ever the first to embrace reconciliation, steps forward and wraps our dad in a heartfelt hug. There's a tangible warmth in the gesture, a bridge mending the emotional distance that had grown between us.

"Thank you, daddy," I manage a smile, my emotions a complex interplay of forgiveness and understanding. I join the embrace, feeling the weight of the apology and the unspoken love that binds our family. "That means a lot," I murmur, a simple acknowledgment of the significance of his words. The reconciliation becomes a beacon of hope, dispelling the shadows of the earlier conflict.

In that shared embrace, beneath the starlit sky, the fractures of misunderstanding begin to heal. The mountainous landscape around us seems to echo the sentiment, vast and forgiving. It's a moment of catharsis, where the realization dawns that growth isn't just reserved for us; it extends to our relationships, transforming them into resilient bonds.

As we pull away from the hug, a newfound understanding lingers in the air. The words may not erase the past, but they pave the way for a renewed connection. Our father's apology becomes a pivotal chapter in the ongoing story of our family, a testament to the strength found in acknowledging imperfections and embracing growth.

"How about any praise? Anything?" I pull away from Dad and look to see Nick and Sebastian arguing. "You know, Dad, believe it or not, there are some parents that are proud of their kids just for who they are, without making them win medals or cheat to get ahead."

My mouth drops though I'm not surprised. Will walks up beside me."What's going on?"

"I don't know." I whisper.

"Hey." Sebastian scolds him as his eyes dart between Nick and the crowd. "Be careful what you're doing right now, okay?"

"Here's an idea." Nick marches towards us. "How about we tell Kayla what really happened with Will's sled?"

"Hey." His dad grabs his arm. "This is not the time or the place for this, okay?"

"I steered Kayla into that sign so my dad had a reason to kick her off the team." He admits making Kayla and Dad gasp.

"What?" Kayla swallows.

"I was just following orders. Like always." Nick glares at his dad. "So tell me, Dad, you proud of me now?"

"Everything I've always done for you, I mean everything, has been to help you achieve your dream." Sebastian seethes.

"It's not my dream. It's yours." Nick spits before turning back to Kayla. "I'm sorry, Kayla. Really sorry."


"Is this a bad time for me to tell you that you didn't make the cut?" Will's question hangs in the air, the weight of disappointment palpable in the aftermath of the round.

I shrug, masking any hint of disappointment. "It's fine. I had fun, and I got to watch you, so I'd say it's a win-win." A smile graces my lips as we navigate our way back to the half pipe. The camaraderie of the snowy arena provides a comforting backdrop to the unspoken acknowledgment of the competition's outcome.

Before Kayla ascends, I grab her arm, a burst of determination in my eyes. "You're going for the cloud 9, right?"

"Nothing's impossible," she replies with a confident smile, determination mirrored in her stance as she heads back up for another round.

As I watch her ascend, a sigh escapes me. "I've got to admit, I'm proud of her."

"Me too," Will echoes my sentiment, a shared pride in witnessing Kayla's resilience and skill. His tone lightens the moment as he adds, "She still annoys me, though." A laugh escapes me, the tension dissipating amidst our shared amusement.

The crowd erupts in cheers, and the familiar voice of the announcer cuts through the excitement. "And now, back to the action! I can't imagine the pressure Kayla must be feeling. Not only is the women's title in play, but also overall team victory. With the Swifts leading, Kayla Morgan would need to do something spectacular to win both the women's event and give her team glory over Sebastian Swift's club."

"Come on, Kayla. No fear." We cheer.

"Ladies and gentlemen, our final competitor, Kayla Morgan!" We scream as she starts down the half pipe. We watch in anticipation as she goes into the cloud 9. One, two, three! As she gracefully lands, the cheers reach a crescendo. Pride swells within me, not just for Kayla's accomplishments but for the shared journey we've navigated. The snow-covered arena transforms into a stage of triumph, and we revel in the collective joy that comes with pushing boundaries and embracing the thrill of the unexpected.

"She did it!" I shout grabbing Will's shoulders.

"For the first time ever, someone has finally landed the Cloud 9! Can you say unbelievable?"The crowds cheer louder than they ever have. The judges show their numbers and they're all 10!

"Will we won! Hot doggers won!" I jump into his arms a give him the biggest kiss. We pull apart and he just giggles in my face. We rush to Kayla and give her a big hug. The boys put her up on their shoulders as we bask in our victory.

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