꒰⚘݄꒱2.2_______________i didnt change my number

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"I'm home!" Jihoon exclaimed, a hand clutching the doorknob, dawdling around to shut it on his aunt, who may storm towards him with a rolling pin in her hand to chase the kid out of her house for good. Well, out of his house simply because he was home a few minutes after the curfew.

Jihoon enlarged his eyes when he saw his brother stride out of the bathroom. He had a towel over his shoulder, hands gripping each end of the towel. "Welcome home, brother!"

"Wonseung. What are you doing here?" Jihoon asked. He did not have a bitter tone at all. In fact, he was pretty stoked to have his younger brother at his home.

"Stop talking to my nephew like that," the aunt snarled from the kitchen counter, a hand grabbing a new bottle of whiskey from a white bag. "He's been nice enough to buy us some good expensive items." She eye-smiled at Wonseung. The eye smile changed into a black look as her eyes landed on Jihoon.

"Wonseung you bought her alcohol. Alcohol. How old are you again?" Jihoon asked, hands on his hips.

"Um, just like 3 years younger than you. Whatever, I didn't buy it. My mom had asked me to drop it here. As a thank you gift for supporting her," Wonseung smiled before he received one back from his reliable older brother. Older step-brother, that is.

But it never really had been significant to them. They matured together and when Wonseung's mother started having problems with Jihoon, his father, Yoo Jisoo, abandoned the older child and moved away with Wonseung and his mom. Jisoo's mom, whom he had called Meoni, took Jihoon with her and had disowned Jisoo. It devastated Jihoon but he was more than happy living with his grandmother...and his aunt. His aunt never really liked him as much ever since he was born because his mother died right after giving birth. His aunt, Hansoo had a sisterly liking toward his mom and blamed the child for her death. Hilariously, Jisoo also blamed Jihoon for her death. After Meoni had died when he was fifteen, Jihoon lived with his aunt, who out of pity, decided to raise the teen as a legal guardian. She wasn't as horrible to him as he often overstates, but she wasn't the best guardian either. She would get drunk now and then and would never purchase the kid anything expensive. So, he lived a humble life and became an unpretentious guy. Everyone loved him. Not just for his looks, but for his down-to-earthiness as well.

Wonseung, on the other hand, was considered a so-called "spoiled" and "born with a silver spoon in his mouth" type of child. But, the joke is that he was the exact opposite. Ever since he was younger, he would spend most of his time with Jihoon secretly. He got in trouble for it but he loved his brother more than he did his parents at that point. Jihoon, being the modest and extroverted chap he is, always taught him how to stay grounded. Wonseung's family had the most toxic household ever and it became uncomfortable for him. His mother, Ko Hyunjin, was on drugs and had been involved in several illegal businesses. She was also a queer woman and had several affairs outside. Jihoon had never judged her about that and neither did Wonseung. But, they did hate the fact she would smoke cocaine illegally and would ask the children to be quiet about it. Jihoon didn't. He exposed the woman.

She pointed a finger at him, calling him out for being born out of wedlock, and accused him of several wrongdoings he didn't do. "Honey, he sold your car!" She lied. When she was the one who sold it. "Honey he broke your new phone." Lied again. She broke it on purpose to kick him out. Wonseung was dying to leave the household and live with Jihoon, Meoni and Hansoo. But his father was far too rich and sick to let his only other heir go into "ruins". So, he threatened to hurt Jihoon if he were to leave.

"Jihoon. Jihoon!"


"You okay. You had spaced out for quite too long," Wonseung shook the chap up, who had sat on the dinner table without realizing that he did. "You just sat there and didn't wash up either."

"Yeah I'm good. Just too tired after school," Jihoon commented. "Too hungry too."

"Gosh, You might get sick! Go wash up first! We'll wait for you. Scurry!" Hansoo pointed, hands motioning Jihoon to get into his room.

"Alright! I'm going," he said, hands in the air as he slouched and strolled into his room.

Wonseung who had a rice cake in his mouth, spit it out slowly, back into the dish, 'Waiting for Jihoon'.

"Oh my- no! Why would you spit it out?! Gosh, kids these days are disgusting."


"Delete it."

"Delete w-what?"

"Delete it before I throw this away."

"I'll delete it. I will. Give it back."

Soojin and Seyoung strode toward Jukyung. Seyoung adjusted her créme green cardigan and proceeded to do what she was doing earlier: following Soojin wherever she moved as Seyoung spaces out throughout the entire day. Her new adage: 'Do what Soojin does and you'll be fine.'

"What a frightening fellow." Jukyung grumbled with her gaze lingering on Suho as he walked away. "You're dead the moment you get on his bad side, right?"

"Why didn't they know he hates it when people take pictures of him?," Soojin remarked, her voice as soothing as it always sounded.

"He has an ugly temper, whatsoever. It's disgusting," Seyoung commented, eyes piercing through Lee Suho's. He broke eye contact with her and pivoted on his seat to face the window. He flipped her off, infuriating her. "Aw, what a jerk!"

"Back to being friends again?" Soojin asked, dragging her along.

"We were never not friends. I just drifted apart. After yesterday, I kind of feel like I should have continued to avoid him."

"What happened yesterday?" Jukyung asked, being curious.

"Don't even ask."

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