Chapter 1: meeting him

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(Kokichi's POV)

I don't want to be quiet; I want to be loud, I want to be heard, I want a voice, but what's the point of it? When I used to open my mouth, no one could hear me. Even if I spoke louder than actions, I was a ghost. When I said a single sentence, everyone stared in disgust. I could say 'hello,' yet no one would ever respond. So why now, that I never speak...everyone can hear me. It's not like they ever liked me anyways...but still, why now that I won't and will never speak? Why is it now they make fun of me? Well, 'make fun of me' is quite an understatement. It's more like bullying me, verbally and physically. Oh, I should mention that they know I'm gay...and fostered. I think that they think that since I'm the 'quiet kid', I 'killed my parents' or some shit. That couldn't be further from the truth...I don't even know my birth parents. Not that I want to, at least I don't think.

When I was walking up to the school gates, this handsome-looking guy was there. He oozed charm and poise. He had this almost navy blue hair, was in a two-piece suit, and a hat kind of made him look emo...not like I was going to say anything.

Once I got to class and slowly plopped in my seat. The teacher announced.

"We have a new student today, and I hope you all treat him with respect," soon enough, that same boy, with poise and grace, came in through the door.

"Please introduce yourself," the teacher told him.

He nodded and informed, "My name is Shuichi Saihara; I hope we can get along," the girls were fangirling, not lying; I was too but only in my mind. I don't need emotions, and I don't need words. Who needs words when you can just think.

"You can sit next to Kokichi Ouma, the purple-haired one," Shuichi nodded and sat next to me. He waved, and I waved back. I don't believe in love at first sight, but he looked cute...yeah, I can think like that. Yeah.

When the teacher said we could have free time, Saihara turned to me.

"Hey, do--" he tried to ask something, but almost all the fangirls started to rush over and somewhat worshiped him. The teacher had to break them up, and Shuichi gave a relieved sigh. He turned back to me and asked.

"Do you want to have lunch with me?" I nodded. He's bold...I like that. I like that. When's the last time I ate with someone? More so, when's the I've eaten eh like a year or two. I just lost my appetite for food...maybe I'll look for coins under the binding machine. I laughed mentally.

"Alright! I'll look forward to it," Shuichi said. I nodded. I wrote down what I needed to say in my notebook and showed it to him. 'I will too,' it read. He looked at me with a look, saying, 'what?'

"I don't mean to pry, but—" he again got cut off by the bell. "Well, shit," he muttered to himself.

"I guess I'll see you later, Ouma-Kun," he waved bye, and I did as well. What's this feeling? Am I really excited about this? Weird.

{time passes}

It's lunch; now it's time to find Saihara. Well, that shouldn't be too hard, and he should be surrounded by fangirls. I walked around, and lucky me, I was right. He caught a glimpse of me and rushed over.

"Hey! There you are, now let's find somewhere quiet away from these people," I nodded and tugged him to the rooftop. It's weirdly lovely. I should know I'm here almost every chance I get.

"Hey, I have a question for you," he said as we sat down. Luckily I have my notebook; I wrote, 'what is it?'

"Are...Are you mute or something?" He lightly muttered. I just nodded. I guess I was? I'm not sure, but that's the closest definition to what I am. "Oh.." he stammered. And here it is the thing everyone does—

"Do you know sign language?" What's this guy with questions? Not that I care that much but still. Kind of a prier. I nodded my head as I wrote down, 'yeah, not many people I know really know sign language, so....'

"Ah, ok, sorry for prying, by the way," he apologized. 'it's fine, I really could care less, but now I have a question for you' I wrote down.

"Sure, what is it?" Shuichi asked. I wrote, 'Why do you want to be with me out of all people? Everyone just seems to LOVE you.'

"Oh, well, you just seemed calmer, and..." he giggled at himself, "I'm going to stop before I say something embarrassing," I very lightly laughed... that's weird.

"I like your laugh," he unknowingly spoke. I wrote, 'I like yours too, also, do you know sign language?'

"No, not really, I know some simple stuff, but I couldn't form sentences," he stated. I just put up an ok sign with my fingers. "If you want me too, I can learn some more," I teasingly wrote down 'Do u like me, Saihara-Kun? Believer of love at first sight' I lightly giggled; he did too.

"No, it's just that you seem really nice and...stuff," I let out a big laugh. No one in the history of forever has wanted to or has complimented me.

"Hey! Don't laugh at me!" Sorry! I signed, praying that he knew what I was saying.

"It's fine; what stuff are you into," actually, I don't know, I guess 'Daganrompa? Music, drawing, poetry, and looking for coins under the vending machine' I laugh at myself. I forget I'm not talking to myself sometimes.

"Wh-What does that mean?" He asked, concerned. From his tone, he knows what it means. I guess he either wants clarification or hearing it from me. 'It's just something I get told every now and then. Yesterday some prick said you should go back to looking for coins under the vending machine. Ouma, you're are so skinny! I was like, ok bitch well I didn't say bitch, but eh."

He looked more concerned than he was." "Ouma-Kun, if you're getting bullied..."" I shrugged, and wrote''no need to worry, not like it matter" he sighed" "I kinda know we just met but I don't want anyone to get hurt"" I slightly laughed and nodded. I would speak but now it's like I'm too scared to say anything. I miss having friends... I did not realize I zoned out and Shuichi was waving his hand in my face." "Ouma-Kun? Ouma-Kun"" I snapped back into reality and waved hello. He did so back, letting out an embarrassed laugh." "What kind of music are you into "" He asked." Melanie Martinez Nirvana and Jack Stauber mostl"" "Yes! They are amazing artists"" "Can I show you some drawings I made," I asked. Why do I feel so comfortable and bold all of the sudden? I don't know, maybe it's just my head. Yeah, my head." "SureI'dd love to see"" I showed him some drawings. His eyes lit up." "They look super good"" I smiled but it quickly faded. No need for emotions." "Hey, Ouma-Kun is everything ok"" He asked and I nodded. When did I get like this? Why am I acting so differently? I normally have no emotions. Even when I get hurt, I have no emotions. Really unless I hurt myself but still. What's with this guy? I impulsively wrote." Want to be friends" "I'd love to "" I embarrassingly blushed and smiled. This can go well. Yeah well.

I was in science and luckily Saihara was there. I normally zone out but right now I wasn't." "Listen for your partner you'll have for the project. No one is allowed to work alone and it is a 100 point assignment so you better do good"" I was praying that I would be paired with Saihara.

"Kokichi and Shuichi—" YES YES YES! I mentally squealed. I stopped paying attention. This is nice I don't have to deal with asshats for once. Wait for a damn...why am I so excited... This is weird. Anyways... she told everyone to talk with their partners and yada yada yada you get the gist of it.

We exchanged phone numbers and we were going to meet at his house after school. I am ever so weirdly enraptured Hehethat'ss funny

Unspoken Symphony Saiouma (Mute Kokichi x Shuichi) Where stories live. Discover now